Bullet to the Head

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Y/N's pov:
Awoken by a gun shot and screams, I run out of my room and outside. I see Andrea climb off the RV and I follow shortly after her. Coming to a clearing in the field I spot Rick, T-dog, Glenn, and Shane. I look down to see a wounded Daryl and I push past Andrea to check on Daryl. I crouch down to Daryl and look him over, then I look up at everyone else.
"He's unconscious. Andrea over here just grazed him." I explain, standing back up and pointing over at Andrea.
"But look at him. What the hell happened?" Glenn asks, I look back down at Daryl.
"He's wearing ears.." T-dog says, completely grossed out.
"Let's keep that to ourselves." Rick states, taking the ear necklace off Daryl's neck and tossing it to the ground.
"Ya'll need to get him up and off the ground. I'll go get daddy." I explain, nodding over at Rick to tell him what to do. Rick acknowledges this and bends down to help pick him up, along with T-dog.
I begin running back to the house to get dad, and once I reach it, I explain what's happened. Dad rolls up his sleeves and nods at me. Rick, T-dog, and an unconscious Daryl enter into the house.
"Follow me." I say, leading them upstairs and into my room.
Dad follows after me and the rest of them, leading them all to my room. Rick and T-dog place Daryl onto my bed and dad looks at me with a look.
"Get the first aid kit." I nod my head and walk out of my room and down the stairs, going to the closet and grabbing the kit.
Running back upstairs and to my room, I open the kit and hand whatever was necessary to dad. The others left the room and waited outside in the hallway as dad and I started to work on Daryl's wounds. I noticed the wound in his side, looked similar to when an arrow is shot through you. I grimace at the thought of one of my own arrows going through me.
Dad stitches up Daryl's head as I put antibiotics on Daryl's wound on his already stitched up side. I look at Daryl's arms, he was rather ripped, almost as if he was built for this world. I then look down at his lower abdomen, I can see what seems to be scars all along his lower half. 'Must not be his first arrow.' I think, smiling at the thought. A grunt is what knocks me out of my thoughts and I look up at dad, who looks at me with a disappointed look.
"Don't get attached, Y/N. You know they won't be here for long." Dad explains, I let out a sigh.
"No one said I was getting attached, daddy. I do think you should think more of them being here. They mentioned a girl, can't they at least stay til we find her?" I ask, earning a scowl from dad.
"'We'?" Dad asks, beginning to stand up.
"Yes. I might not like them all, but they at least deserve the help. You sent Maggie out with Glenn yesterday. Why can't I go on a hunt with one of them? You know I can take care of myself." I argue, standing up as well.
"Y/N, dear. I don't need you to risk your life out there against those things for these people." Dad says, beginning to raise his voice.
"Yet you let Maggie go? Who doesn't even have a weapon?" I retort, glaring over at dad.
He lets out a sigh and begins to leave the room, not before turning around and looking at me once more.
"You know we don't kill them." Dad whispers, and I scoff, taking my eyes off dad.
By the time I look back up, dads gone and Rick, T-dog, and Glenn enter my room. Glenn holds a doll as he looks over at Rick.
"What was that all about?" Rick asks, looking over at me.
"Family matters. That's all it was. Now please give Daryl some space. I can get ya'll when he wakes up." I offer, looking back at Rick, who simply nods his head.
Rick softly grabs ahold of Glenn and T-dogs shoulders and usher them out. Before leaving, Glenn puts the doll he's holding onto the bed beside Daryl. I smile at this specific moment, realizing how much they all care for each other. I sit down on the chair at the end of my bed and prop my legs up on the bed frame. A grumble of pain is heard, causing me to look over at Daryl, who now has his eyes open. He looks around my room with a confused look on his face. He tries to roll onto his injured side, but quickly rolls back onto his good side.
"You got grazed by a bullet. Andrea shot ya. When we found you, you had a wound on your side. Daddy and I cleaned it all up, so you should be good and clean. Though I advise you stay in my bed for now, you can have my room for the night. I'll go get the others." I say softly, standing and exiting my room.
I rush downstairs to find Glenn, Rick, T-dog, and Shane looking up at the sound of my feet.
"He's awake." I state, offering a smile.
Turning around, I walk back upstairs and to my room. Reaching my room, I enter it to see Daryl still on my bed. I sit back on the chair at the foot of my bed and wait for the others to enter.
"Any idea what happened to my horse? Daddy said I needed to ask." I explain, looking at Daryl.
"Yeah, the one who almost killed me? If it's smart, it left the country." I nod and chuckle at his words.
"We call her Nelly, as in nervous Nelly. Coulda told you she'd throw you off if you'd bothered to ask my dad." I sass, looking down at Daryl. He looks up at me, glaring at me.
I hold up my arms in surrender and leave the room, leaving the men to their conversation. Walking to the kitchen, I see Patricia starting dinner. Carol is in the room as well, helping Patricia with the meal. Hearing my footsteps the two turn around, Patricia smiles over at me while Carol looks surprised to see me. I wave.
"Hey. Anything I can do to help?" I ask, stepping forward.
"Absolutely, dear." Patricia says, moving over to make room for me.
The three of us converse and talk while we make food for the group. Carol stops cutting the potatoes and turns to me with a worried look on her face.
"Will Daryl be alright?" She asks, making me offer a smile.
"He's stable and talkin' out his ass. I think it's safe to say he'll be alright." I joke, earning a smile from Carol.
"Thank you." She mumbles, and I nod my head.
"It wasn't all me. Daddy helped as well, I was simply his nurse for the day. They uh, they found a doll. I remember them mentioning a girl, was she your daughter? I figured it was between you and Andrea, but you're the more maternal between the two of you." I state, earning a look of sadness from Carol.
"My girl, Sofia, was ran off by some walkers. We've been looking for her for a few days now. She's only a little girl, 12 years old. You mentioned a doll though?" Carol asks, causing me to nod.
"Yeah, a pretty dirty one, but a doll nonetheless." I explain, beginning to peel more potatoes for Carol to cut.
Carol smiles slightly and begins to cut up the potatoes again as Patricia makes some stew for the group. The kitchen is filled with silence again, nothing but the sound of boiling water and chopping is heard. By the time the food is made, it's dark outside. I leave the kitchen to go to the dining room and begin to set up some plates and bowls, along with the silverware. I grab an extra plate for Daryl and bring it to the kitchen to put some mashed potatoes on it. Then I grab a bowl to put the stew in. Slowly placing the bowl on the plate, I begin to turn around, only for Carol to stop me.
"Let me. I need to have a word with him anyway." Carol says, I nod my head.
I hand her the plate and watch her walk off.
"Oh! Carol, let me show you the way to my room." I offer, Carol smiles at me and nods.
I lead the way to my room, Carol not far behind me. Carol is moving a bit slower though, as she is worried she'll spill the food.
"Want me to take it? I don't want you breaking my porcelain." I joke, causing Carol to chuckle.
"No, I got it. Thank you though. You're too kind." Carol says, smiling up at me.
When we reach my room, I stand in the doorway to let Carol go in my room. When I turn to leave, I hear a grunt, causing me to turn around. I look down at Daryl to see him looking up at me, his eyes off Carol.
"You're stayin' here missy. I needta have a word with ya." Daryl mumbles, and I simply nod my head.
"We brought you some dinner. You must be starving." Carol says, going to place the plate down on the bed, but Daryl pulls back.
"Watch out. Not my bed, and I got stitches." Daryl states, looking up at Carol. She nods her head, then turns to me.
"Can you give us a minute?" She asks, I simply nod and exit my room.
I stand out in the hallway after closing the door behind me. Part of me is curious what they're talking about, but the other, more rational part, knows it's none of my business. Carol opens up the door and exits my room, a smile wearing on her face. I knock on the door and hear a grunt, that's when I know I can enter.
"You wanted a word?" I ask, Daryl nods and attempts to sit up, but fails in doing so.
I rush over and help him sit up, and he looks at me with a pained look on his face once he is. I go and sit down on the chair that's still at the foot of my bed and look at him expectantly.
"Thank ya....For helpin' stitch me up." Daryl says, I simply nod my head.
"I mean, yeah. Of course. I'm not letting you die just cause of your own stupidity. I noticed the wound on your side, you fall on one of your own arrows?" I ask, Daryl nods his head.
"Yeah. Hurt like a bitch." Daryl states, causing me to chuckle.
"I'm sure it did. When I was dressing your wound, I uh, saw some of your scars. Not your first rodeo, huh?" I ask, he nods his head.
"Yeah, when I was a kid I'd go out huntin' with my brother. Would love ta say he was a good aim, but he missed every once in 'while. Would use a weapon similar to yours." Daryl states, and I nod along.
"Where's your brother now?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me. I see Daryl tense up, only for his face to contort in pain.
I go to stand but he holds up a hand, telling me to sit back down. I listen and he clutches his side.
"Don't wan' talk bout it." Daryl says, I just nod.
"I understand then." I say, only Daryl looks at me weirdly. He looks somewhat angry, even.
"Naw, you don't understand. You ain't lose your brother." Daryl says coldly, now it's my turn to tense up.
"You're right. I lost my mother. Then my step-mom, and then my stepbrother." I say, standing up from the chair and going to leave my room.
Until a hand grabs my wrist. I turn down to see Daryl on his bad side, looking up at me.
"Sorry. Didn't know." Daryl says, I just smile sadly.
"Course you didn't. You don't even know me. I'll sleep on the couch, you get my bed for the night. Though I do want you out of here by the time I wake up." I say, shaking Daryl's hand off my wrist.
I leave behind a confused Daryl in my room.

His Firecracker (Daryl Dixon x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora