437 11 23

rq by: AshieAsher

angst :3 I love making morally grey, Francis (but he's a huge asshole in this 💀)

no song, but you can guess what it's based on by the title

This is basically like the Lipstick chapter. Maybe it's the events after or before? who knows, it's up to interpretation :] Also, I watched Brokeback Mountain, and I WILL definitely make chapters inspired by it (I love bisexual mlm Cowboys


//Francis hated his attraction to [READER]. It made him feel numb and gross. Sure, he'd visit him and kiss him in private, but nothing more than sexual and emotional feelings. It was more of an experiment for him. After Nacha had Anastachia, he never thought of being with a woman again. He didn't want to take the risk. (A/N; that's until he discovered MEN 🗣🗣😈😈🎀🎀)

He still wanted to be with other people.. he liked [READER], but he was.. pretty boring. He only genuinely loved [READER] when there was a reason. When they were alone. When no one was watching them.

He still loved women. In fact, if he had to choose [READER] or women, he'd choose to be with women. It's just what he's known his whole life before [READER].

Around some time, Francis started dating a woman. He never told [READER] about her. He never wanted him to know about her. Maybe he thought he could keep up the ruse for long, and then he could cut it off with [READER] before he got in too deep with him, then act like he just now found someone new.. yeah..

Francis was finally able to have a night with the woman, just talking with her on the couch, he knew [READER]'S, in his opinion, insufferable ass would knock on the door at some point-- And he did. Not even flinching, Francis rose up with a sigh, going over to his door. He looked at the pitiful sight of [READER]. He looked tired. Francis felt the familiar feeling in his chest again, feeling his heart rush. He decided to ignore it. He didn't care.


Francis leaned on the doorway, trying to block the way so neither the woman behind him nor the man in front of him saw each other. [READER]'s face changed into an expression of sorrow,

"I thought you said you were busy.. with work.. I heard someone behind your door."

Francis flinched at [READER]'s words. He couldn't just tell him that he had his sister over.. he didn't have one. He didn't really have any woman cousins either. "It's nothing. I got off work early." He fibbed.

[READER] could see through the lie. Who the fuck gets milk at midnight. "Who's in there."

Francis just gave up, he knew [READER] was too persistent to give up his investigation.. "A woman. A woman I've been seeing. I haven't been going to work, I've been fucking her."

Francis's face was blank, but his eyebrows contorted into discomfort. He studied the other man's expressions. It didn't change. He didn't cry. Gasp. Frown. He just stood there.

[READER] just nodded. "Well fuck you too." He turned around, muttering something under his breath.

Francis didn't know how to feel. His face was stoic, but his knees were shaking. He was trembling. He felt a soft hand on his shoulder and a soft voice, "You alright?", It was her. Francis nodded and feigned a smile. He couldn't even look back at her as his head moved slowly.


hi :3 I'll italicize this later

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