The confusion...

21 1 8

Cream: ok, cream today is the day.

I told myself, looking in the mirror of my bathroom.

Vanilla: cream breakfast!

Cream: ok I'll be right down mother!

Well today was the day, I was going to tell tails, about how I felt, and I hoped that he would accept them... oh boy I was nervous, what if tails don't like you! no, no you can't think that: I told myself and this argument continued in my head, as the school bus pulled up to the school

I hoped off the bus, and walked into the school, but as I was heading to my class, I accidentally bumped into tails

Cream: oh, Im so sorry tails.

Tails: cream you need to be more careful.

Cream: sorry tails, here let me help you pick all of this up.

I picked all of tails books up, and gave them to him... well it was now or never

Cream: so tails um...

Tails: yeah????

Cream: well umm.................

I don't why I did this, in fact I can't even remember this but I just ran off! I could see tails confused face, and then realized what I did: 

I just ran off right after I was going to tell him something for no reason oh well I guess I can tell him at lunch 


when the bell finally rang for lunch, I was as nervous as I have ever been! so instead of heading to tails table, I sat where amy and sonic seemed to be arguing... about something, they stopped as soon as they saw me!

Amy: cream, how did it go with tails?

Cream: well, I haven't told him yet.

Amy: well why not?

Cream: well, I don't know if tails feels the same.           and what if he doesn't want anything to do with me   after...

Amy: cream!!! you are great friends with tails and you would know better than anyone; that tails is normally a very nice, and forgiving friend...! plus if you know tails half as much as I do (which I know you know 2x as much about that fox than I do at least) than you should know that, you are perfect for him, and that you would make a great couple!

I look over and, see sonic and he seems like he wants this to stop, hmm... maybe he was just nervous for me or something like that. anyway as soon as Amy finished she practically, pushed me in tails direction, and Im sure that he noticed, because he look over at me confused... and then, I did something that I thought I would never be able to do: I started to walk over to tails and when I got there I said:

Cream: hey um, tails can I tell you something?

Tails: Im doing ,something right now!

Cream: don't worry, it won't be that long.

Tails: ok fine, tell me, what ever, just hurry up!

Hmm he seemed like, he had not got enough sleep last night because: he had seemed a bit snippy lately... anyway I took a moment, to prepare myself and then:

Cream: tails, I love you and would love for you, to be my boyfriend.

Tails: no...!

Cream: but why???!!!!

Tails: I already have one.

Cream: what! since when?

Tails: since today: I asked Zoey

Zoey!!!! that fox???? of all of the girls that tails had that he could have asked, he chose Zoey!! she was easily the worst person in our school, and he asked her instead of me!

Cream: what but Zoey is a jerk!

Sonic: calm down cream, and you tails... you need to stop hanging out with Zoey, she is doing something to you don't you see?

Tails: no I don't, how could you ask me to leave Zoey just for you!

Sonic: well as much as I hate to say this I guess I must: I have been talking with our friends, and we all agree that if you don't stop hanging around Zoey, you will no longer be our friend!

Cream: no wait sonic! please don't make him not your friend just because of me!

Tails: well sonic my answer to that is: so be it!

Sonic: very well...

Cream: but tails, can't you see that...

Sonic: it's okay cream.

Cream: no it's not! tails can't you see your making the wrong decision here... instead of being around sonic your best friend for years! you chose Zoey who is easily the biggest jerk in this town!!!

Tails: don't you dare talk, about Zoey like that!

He was yelling at me!!! man I blew it, and he was not the same tails I once knew... he sounded so aggressive, and just couldn't do it anymore, so I started to run away.

Tails: wait cream, Im sorry I didn't mean it...!

I just couldn't stay at school for the rest of the day, so I just went home early when I got there:

Vanilla: cream... what are you doing home so early?

Cream: it is a very long story.

And after a little while of; trying to let her understand my reasoning for coming back, without actually tell her what happened she finally let me stay! but I just couldn't I needed to have some time but myself to think so I asked my mom:

Cream: mom can I go and visit the palace

The palace was a secret little place that me and my mom found... it was somewhere beautiful, and quiet it was where me, and my mother would always go just to get away. but in recent years mother never really went out there.

Vanilla: oh... you sure? you know that what ever it is that your going through, you can talk to me.

Cream: I know but, I think that I just need some time to myself.

Vanilla: ok dear... yes you can go!

Cream: thank you.


?????: cream

Cream: *sad* yeah

I look over my shoulder and see "Tails"

Cream: how did you find me?

Tails: I just look in front of me 

Cream: oh tails

Tails: Im still up for your offer... that is if your still intereste!

Cream: Tails, you know I am!

Tails: I love you cream!

Cream: I love you to tails!

The end

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