Snow | 1168

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The two men zipped up their white jumpsuits with a broom sigil etched upon it, the symbol of the cleaners. The cleaners were the designated and distinctive uniform for the Cleaner Department, where they were tasked of cleaning up all the corpses and scenes that were laid out in the city. Whenever a call comes in, the people from the department will arrive at the scene to clean up, hence the name.

The bodyguards found the white jumpsuits to be an effective disguise, helping them blend in and avoid arousing suspicion. They opened the back of the vehicle and took the nearest body bag, lifting it onto their shoulders as they headed towards the back door. This was part of their standard procedure, as the security guard on duty greeted them as usual. After showing their ID tags, the men were granted access to the building without any issues.

Now's my chance.

Jessica unzipped the body bag and struggled to push away the cold, heavy bodies that had been placed on top of her. By sheer luck, she found herself beneath them or else she would be the person who would be taken away to be burnt. And inside the crematorium, it would be even harder for her to escape.

She couldn't believe her fortune and felt as though she had exhausted all the luck she had accumulated in years for, with everything that had happened so far. But she needed them more now, more than she ever needed. The girl stepped out from the van, the crunch of the snow under her feet was resounding sharply but she didn't pay them any heed because there was only one thought in her mind.

I need to run away now. But how about the snow trail? It will leave a mark behind. I can't be caught now?

Her eyes trailed to the black plastic bag behind her. An idea struck her as she grabbed the black body bag.

This will do.

The long black fabric draped around her shoulders, trailing to the ground as she walked. It was just long enough to brush the snow, covering her tracks as she moved. The cloak's dark hue provided perfect camouflage in the shadows, shielding her from view and helping her blend seamlessly into the night.

Alright. Let's go.

One of the workers at the crematorium squinted into the darkness as he caught a glimpse of her figure, his gaze wavering under the faint glow of the overhead lights. "Hey, I think I just saw someone," he said, pointing toward the shadow in the snow outside. But his friend barely glanced in the indicated direction. "Even if you did see someone, it's best to ignore it," he replied, his tone solemn. "If they sense you've noticed them, they'll haunt you relentlessly and never let you be."


"Shush. Don't speak of the deceased," said his superstitious friend.

The man nodded solemnly and turned back to his work, the ambient heat of the furnace at his back. Behind him, his colleagues moved methodically, loading bodies onto the conveyor belt and sending them into the searing inferno with quiet, reverent murmurs. The harsh tang of smoke filled the room, as the man sent a silent prayer for the deceased, bidding them a farewell on their final journey.


Snow was falling heavily as I took each step into the wilderness. The night was darker, and the snow was piling up. It will hide my trail. But would it really be enough? I wanted to escape as fast as possible, but would it be possible? My body felt weak from the poison as I heaved my heavy body across the threshold of vast snow. There weren't a lot of trees out in the open. No depleted buildings, only snow and more snow.

It's cold was seeping into every fiber of my body. It was falling from my head, drenching my hair, causing my whole to shiver in response yet my legs trudged on as the snow got deeper as I made my journey. Where? I need to get home.

Public transport? Train or bus? No... since none of them worked out here. Only the city center and the areas around it where public transport was still operational. Out here, in the outskirts, you couldn't even find a person, let alone a vehicle. My legs were my last option, as they were my only option.


How long has it been? I don't know either, but my eyes were getting used to the dark as they began to adjust, discern vague shapes amidst the darkness. While my ears were accompanied by the sound of rhythmic snow crunching under my feet. The touch of the snowflakes on my lips left them damp and spurred me onwards.

As I trudged along in the snow-laden world, my body generated warmth, just enough to keep me from dying. But how long would it last? I didn't have enough energy; I lacked food to keep me going. I didn't even know where I might be going—no map, no stars, no moon to guide my way, not even a signpost to show the way. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. It would have been better to follow the road, but it would have carried a higher risk of getting captured again.

I put the thoughts at the back of my mind as beads of sweat formed on my brow.

I need to focus on the road ahead.

But one misstep was all it needed as I slipped and fell flat on the thick snow, the impact wasn't painful. It hurt; I wouldn't die but... It was excruciating for my mind. I want to cry. And I did, as warms tears welled up from my eyes, streamed down my blushing cheeks, to join the snowy landscape.

The mental torture, the exhaustion was pressing down on me like a heavy cloak, the reality of the situation crashed over me like a relentless wave, threatening to pull me under. It wasn't just the physical exhaustion that was gripping me, there's also the fear of being captured, the feeling of being utterly lost and alone in the wilderness and uncertainty of the future were like spices that added to my anxiety and helplessness.

Can I die yet? Everything is just so fucked up. Meeting with Ishaan was a mistake. Everything went wrong the moment we met. I want to go home. I want to see my brother. Brother... Mark...

I sat up abruptly, a surge of frustration and anger propelling me forward. With a clenched fist, I punched the soft, yielding snow, feeling a mix of relief and release with each impact. Then, without hesitation, I buried my face into the cold, powdery surface, muffling my scream of pent-up emotions into the icy embrace.

The snow absorbed the sound, turning my yell into a muted, primal roar, echoing back to me in a distorted, surreal way. In a sudden and impulsive motion, I grabbed a handful of snow and brought it to my face and rubbed it in. The icy sting jolted me fully awake.

Brother is waiting.


(1168 words)

Finally Jessica escaped, but will she be caught and captured again?

That final line. What do you think? 

In this new world, where the Sun disappeared. Living in total darkness, Oxys, Human Modified Plants, were born yet eaten alive by the plants that lived in their bodies. Jessica, with the unique ability to hear their voices, what action will she take next?

I think ending it here will feel less awkward. More chapters will be published soon, as I am still writing the story. I know how it ends already, I just got to write it out. Anyway, I will try to finish it soon. I don't like to drag stories for long. Toodles ~ <3

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