Prologue | 330

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"I had a dream, which was not all a dream. The bright sun was extinguish'd."

- Darkness, a poem by Lord Byron, George Gordon.


The date that changed everything February 24th, 2025, a seemingly ordinary Monday, the sun slowly disappeared. It didn't suddenly vanish like a switch was turned off. Before us, everyone in the world, at the same time, they watched as the outer ring of the sun succumbed gradually to the encroaching darkness, eventually disappearing, casting our world into a profound darkness.

I never believe in the doomsday theories; how the world would end by 2000, or 2012 according to the Mayas, or maybe according to Harold Camping who even published a book on it and predicted the world would end exactly on May 21st, 2011, after the Biblical Flood.

But they were all merely theories.

They were debunked like any other predictions.

I think Nostradamus must be laughing in his grave, as we keep using his book, Les Prophéties and relating world events to it and telling ourselves how he was such a genius when he was just a scammer that had lied to us all along.

The date came on a day that no one predicted.

It just happened.

There was no explanation, no reason.

And it left us only with questions, without answers.

But one thing about how all those scientists have managed to predict if there was ever doomsday, the human population would dwindle, it happened just shortly after, people dropping off like flies everywhere. I know because I am living through it.


In a small apartment, the phone resting on the table crackled to life, unveiling a low-quality video featuring a young woman, with black hair, pallid and ailing, adorned with tattoos and a barcode on her neck, donned a leather jacket. Her slight frame hinted at the toll of malnutrition and eyes bags beneath her eyes spoke of weariness beyond her years.

"Hello, this is my life in a post doomsday world. Welcome to Day 1826 of Oxy-Generation.

Signing out, Jessica Chow, Malaysia."

24th February 2030.

(330 words)


What do you think about this prologue? P.s I am setting this up in Malaysia, my own country to make it easier for me to write. 

ONC: So, what prompts are you guys using/writing about? I do want to know. There's so many interesting ones. XD

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