vs tera diamond knuckles

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Equestria girls alternate world number three: squid games edition

On Monday August 15th, 2017 on a island in middle of sea somewhere in South Pacific at 1:15 pm

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On Monday August 15th, 2017 on a island in middle of sea somewhere in South Pacific at 1:15 pm

Inside the dorm of huge jungle for second round of game is hide and seek with contestants already hide in different places with the soldiers began looking for them.

At right side of jungle with two soldiers walking on the path to find other contestants to kill until they stop to heard powerful stomp from miles away on the path that they don't think is one of contestants doesn't made that sounds make them confused until they saw in fear to see glimmering strange creature that they never seen before.

It standing there in front of them at twelve feet away to give death stare at them with scared look inside the mask

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It standing there in front of them at twelve feet away to give death stare at them with scared look inside the mask.

"Hey ugly."

They turned around to see Carrot top from equestria girls/mlp alternative universe two in section 27 jumpsuit got pearl stripes on both sides and pokebelt around beltloop, mighty thor 2.0 and akane hiyama from love tyrant original universe without supernatural in section 46 jumpsuit got red velvet stripes on both sides and pokebelt around beltloop. They standing behind the portal of section 46 and start walk pass by two soliders and stop behind them to stare down at dimension knuckles.

Carrot top: "you dealing with us not them. You crazy eating diamond freak."

It summoned terastal crystal rose up from the group begun absorb jn few seconds and broke into pieces to reveal terastallzied diamond knuckles with electric type tera shard crown on top of the head that cue for carrot top and akane pull out pokeball in hands begun toss it in the air to call out their pokemon.

Carrot top: "come out, asbol!"

Akane: "you too, my sweet dragapult!"

They released from their pokeball to outside facing against diamond knuckles along with mighty thor 2.0.

Carrot top: "night slash!"

He jump in mid-air to fire night slash from his horn towards terastallzied diamond knuckles from above with direct hit in the forehead is little bit effective and half quarter damage that surprise two soliders bit when mighty thor 2.0 throw her hammer forward diamond knuckles with direct hit in one diamond eye cause off balance with two huge hands was almost lift up from the ground as the hammer fly back to mighty thor 2.0 hand.

Soldier #1: "way to go miss."

Solider #2: "not bad."

Akane: "shadow ball!"

He curled a shadow ball straight towards diamond knuckles until it fire red beam from gem to stop the attack, when all of sudden mysterious multiple blue smoke bombs hit the ground make blue smoke behind diamond knuckles who can't see from blue smoke.

Carrot top: "huh?"

Akane: "what the heck?"

Mighty thor 2.0: "great Odin bread!"

Soldier #1: "woah!"

Soldier #2: "what's going on here?'

They saw two females silhouette figures appear inside the smoke of nowhere start attack diamond knuckles with electric bass knuckles & kung fu moves in few seconds when the smoke cleared to reveal diamond knuckles return to normal with dizzy some reason that confused the group bit with akane pull out pokeball in hand begun throwing toward dizzy diamond knuckles began started captured it with red beam went inside the ball whom falling down on the ground gently and lock it after that.

Carrot top: "where blue smoke come from?"

Solider #1: "I don't know but it's mystery."

Akane turn left to see light blue and black birdarang shape like prinlup pin middle of tree left sideways with letter attached in sharp metal wing begun approach it to pull out the letter from metal wing with her hand and look back at the group got curious look and said, "here the message from us by our two mysterious friends." They walked up to her and carrot top said, "what the letter say, akane?" Akane look down on the message began reading it out loud.

"We see you guys need some help with diamond knuckles lately in this alternate world and so your welcome

From: your friendly neighborhood heroes, mysterious prinlup & the mask lucario."

Carrot top: "the mask lucario?"

Solider #1: "mysterious prinlup?"

Mighty thor 2.0: "let tell captain Yvonne about two new mysterious heroes come in town."

Carrot top: "good idea carmine."

[New chapter is out for today]

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