Chapter 3

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I was watching the birds fly around the high rise when Geoff arrived with an invitation to the art gallery for the debute of a new painter. It was addressed to Princess Alexi Patrova. I politely declined saying that I am going to the Opera house to watch the Russian ballet. It haven't seen that since I was eleven. My mother thinks it is a waste of time but I like to watch the dance as it made me happy. Geoff said that he will arrange the seats so I can enjoy in privacy. I wanted a seat on the upper terraces so I can enjoy it peace. He said that he will talk to the owner of the opera house to arrange it.

The show was amazing as I watched the girls perform. When they were done I clapped to show my appreciation and Geoff called the car to take me home. As always I extended my senses plus echolocation for safety and found out that the newbies had arrived to find me again. They knew that nocturnals were here but finding me was not going to be easy. I used my mental abilities and connected with Derek. He was informed that the newbies were here again. Soren was informed by Andy and they were incapacitated and this time Soren ensured that their duty was changed to guarding the borders. It is a twelve hours shift. And they not only rely on their senses but also the machineries. They had to remain alert the entire time in case of a surprise attack which is not uncommon on the east end. Constant vigilance was a must here. By the time they finished their duties they would be exhausted. The idea was to keep them busy. It worked perfectly.

I on the other hand went straight to shopping because I was told that Abe was finally getting married. I needed the perfect present. I searched high and low. I visited every jewelry store in the city and finally I found something that Abe might like. It was a gold locket shaped like a heart that splits down the middle. Separately they looked lonely but together when two pieces were joined it looked like they complete each other. My train arrived to take me to Central. The place was turned into a breathtaking garden. With night blooming flowers decorating the place. The moonlight glowing to add a extra ethereal effect. Soren had already arrived an hour early. He and his wife had been getting ready. Nocturnals and humans were running around to make sure everything was perfect.

I changed my outfit and walked to the elevator that took me to the ceremony. It was beautiful and when they were declared husband and wife there was a three volley salute. After that was when we were told we could come forth with our gifts. I gave them my gift. Which Abe thought was precious because his life made sense when she walked into his life. Who is she you might ask. She was a werewolf from Pearl. Her name was Anna. She was plump and slightly shorter than Abe. Her dark brown hair was short and sharp blue eyes were staring at me with a warmth. Her hair was combed vigorously into submission. She had flowers on her hair for added effect. She had tan skin but she looked beautiful regardless. She was kind and the others loved her dearly. After the wedding ceremony that lasted three days I went back to Piedra de la Luna.

As always Geoff was waiting for me. He was pleased that I was back. He drove me to my penthouse in the center of the city. Jesse had the place steriled to his liking which drove Geoff mad. The two of them would argue about everything. Security happily shut the door to mute them as they patrolled the floor to ensure my safety. These were highly trained men and women. All of them are nocturnals. The only humans on the premises were Geoff and Jesse. Ute sent Geoff to take care of me. Jesse attached himself to me when he realized who I was. He was a  germaphobe. He is obsessed with cleanliness. One time the security actually tased him to stop him going overboard. They thought he overstepped his limit.

Geoff warned him that he will be evicted if he keeps throwing things away whenever he is forbidden to clean them. I barged in wanting to know what was thrown away. The security politely assured me that they made sure that he didn't throw anything away. Since everything here had sentiment value to me. Jesse was livid when I said I am sending him to the Sterile where he can do whatever he wants. He wants to stay here where he is safe. I mentally reached out to Derek to have Jesse sent to Sterile. He arrived within a few minutes on his personal helix to escort him there. Jesse kept coming back indoors not wanting to go somewhere he could get compromised till Derek gave him a sedative. That was the last we saw of Jesse the germaphobe.

Abe heard what happened with the newbies. He gave a simple order. Should they arrive to look for me. I should change my looks and let Miranda know what was going on. She can send Abe's personal helix to get me to Central. Abe never travels by train. He thinks it's ridiculous. He allows trains since it is an easy mode of transportation for citizens of the Tsar.

Abe decided that he and his wife Anna should visit Excalibur to see how things were going. I accompanied them to ensure their safety. Abe was pleased. His wife thought it was unnecessary until they walked over a pit filled with zombies. I used my gifts to calm them down. Abe laughed as his wife clung to him. She saw that they had become docile. Abe told her that I was doing that. So she said she would stay close to me till it was bedtime. We walked to other side.

Everyone were waiting to greet us. People cheered as we walked. We went to our quarters and changed our bright clothes to dark gray outfits. Both humans and nocturnals met him one by one. I walked around to see where the repairs were done. Anna asked me why I wasn't there during the meet and greet. Abe rescued me by saying that he sent me to find out if the walls were re-enforced. He did to ensure her first trip would go without a hitch. He needed to know if the construction workers needed additional help. Anna asked if that surprise inspection is relevant. I said that one of the workers heard scratches. The last time that happened zombies dug a tunnel. This is seriously traumatic to some of the nocturnals. She was frozen stiff. When she found her voice she she that she had never heard of this. I showed her the recording. She apologized profusely for doubting me.

The nocturnals were eagerly waiting for me outside the room. We walked out to the main gate. The newbies were watching as the others turn beast but I didn't. They concluded that I was human. They approached me wanting to know if I could stay here on Excalibur. I said that I have been ordered to go somewhere else by Abe. One of them said that I was human and the werewolves started to laugh. The vampires asked me to turn beast. The werewolves that didn't change actually said pretty please. I turned monster and they jumped back in fear. They noticed that I looked like a mix between werewolves and vampires.

The newbies were told to get back to their stations. I felt that someone was heading our way. So I told them to use the EMP. When the tank was within sight they fired nine EMPs. The machine came to a full stop. The people onboard the death machine came out cursing and started to shooting at us. Aaron used the pulse to render them paralyzed. The werewolves had slide down when Aaron saw a new type of zombies came running towards us. They looked human but half their face was contorted like it was clay. They drooled some black substance which smelled nasty even from my height. I wrinkled my nose as I sat on the platform and used my shield to send them away. I used echolocation and found an explosive device that was slowly ticking away. This was analog so no amount of EMPs would stop it. I told them what was going on so the werewolves came running leaving the invaders laying on the rocks completely defenseless. They laid helplessly as the bomb exploded killing them all.

The observers happily applauded as the tank blew to smithereens. The werewolves were sitting on the platform as it was raised to safety. We climbed off and the humans asked why the zombies were pushed aside when I was in the platform. They were told briefly of my shield. They asked why I was inland instead of out here. The vampires calmly said that I was the second line of defense when the people of Excalibur and Umbrella failed to stop any and all menace. Abe got bored and decided to go home. He cleared the platform and I stood as my train arrived to take me to Piedra de la Luna. I walked in and watched as the door closed behind me. Abe watched from the glass dome as Aaron flipped the lever to opened the secret tunnel.

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