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me and mitsu chan was getting ready for friends group hang out, she was wearing blue turtle neck shirt with short gray pant. i wear a same shirt color as her because..i have a crush on her. i was thinking about to tell her my feeling but she doesnt belive in love, she been saying.. love it just waste of time? well, im gonna change that!!

i grab my backpack and put some luchbox,mochi,soda,mineral water,money and some girl emergency stuff cause you know, sometime that thing just randomly came...

we went outside the house. i lock the door and make sure no one can break in. i hop on my motorcycle so do mitsu chan. se has a moorcycle but she just lazy to ride it. i dont really mind it tho.

a few minutes we arrive at thr mall, i parked my bike and ent inside. the place we supposed to met at arcade, Ju already told us this morning.


we arrived at the arcade, i saw the other was waiting. we went to them and start to planning what to play first. Tsukii dont really play some game so he just sit at th table watching us play so do toruu..

we play the car race first cause we saw that first. Leo was in first place, i was in second place and third place was Kyle..his tin start to attack him cause he make she lose the race. i went play the shooting game with Leo. Senku and Ju was playing claw machine and dad moment huh? i dont really care.

we keep playing diffrent game at arcade. the winner is always Leo since he good at playin game. we walk around in the arcade trying to find a machine to play until something caught my attention...

it was a punchin bag machine. the rule its simple just punch the punching bag machine and the scores is based on your streght. tsukii and toruu join us since we want to see our strenght.

Tsukii go first, he puch the machine. he got 900 scores. i already knew it since Tuskii a boxer. next was Toruu, he got 800 scores. it was the twin and Senku, they got same scores as Toruu. now its Ju and Leo turn, they got same scores as Tsukii.

Now its my turn, everyone gave me a space so i can kick the machine. I swing my feet and kick the machine. Everyone at the arcade was wacthing us. I keep focusing at the scores an i got 1000. That mean i got highest scors againts them all. i got to excited and jumping all the time. a smile grew on my face. the other smile too. Leo keep pointing at the scores.


Ju: "Leo..we in public and stop shouting.."

Klye: "yu just mad that she beat you. that it our captain you know~"

The twin keep laughing at Leo while Leo keep argue with the twin. Today was very fun, i really enjoy it until someone call my name..what a mood ruiner..i turn my head and saw Mikey with a blonde girl behind him. Why do i feeli know her before...

Mikey: "Oh Mitsu Chan!! What are you doing here?"


???: "Mitsuki? is that really you!?"

i keep look at her..what was her name again? Amelia? Emmaly? E.....

Leo: "Its Emma Mitsu Chan...Our childhood friend"

Mitsuki: "Emma? Emma Sano? Ohhhhhh.. Long time no see Emma Chan"

Emma: "Well you remeber me Mitsu San and Leo Kun!"

mikey: "you met them before Emma?" 

Emma: "Of course we did? dont you remeber??"

-Red Hair Girl- [tokyo revenger x oc]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن