“Jimin..I..” She stammered out, gulping down. Her eyes stayed glued to my face, her fingers tightened around my hand. I could feel her pulse under my skin. “I.. I'm pregnant..” She revealed. “That's fine! I'm sure we can do— wait, WHAT?!” I exclaimed as she nodded her head, a wide grin plastered on her face while the tears kept streaming down her cheeks. She threw her arms around my neck and started sobbing again. I rubbed her back, trying to sooth her. 

“We are pregnant! We are pregnant finally!!” She exclaimed, tightening her grip around me. I held onto her, my eyes filling up with tears. To be a mother was the hardest part for y/n. She was afraid, very afraid of becoming a parent because none of us got the warmth of parent's love so it was like a foreign concept for us. We had been trying for a child for a long time but every time it was unsuccessful. 

“Maybe I'm just cursed to need to feel the mother's love and then don't have a right to give a mother's love.” 

I remember hearing all kinds of negative thoughts that y/n shared with me in the darkest hours of the night. Comforting her was one different thing but to fill up the emptiness that only a child can do was a whole different story. 

“So you've been crying tears of joy for the past two hours?” I asked, pulling away from her to wipe her tears. “I don't know.. I just had no idea what to do.. my tears kept falling and I couldn't do anything to stop them.” She mumbled, staring at me with her teary orbs. I pulled her into my chest and let out a sigh. “It's okay.. it will be fine.” I muttered while patting her back. 

She pulled away again and looked at me. “What if I.. I don't be a good mother to our kid?” The question slipped out through her lips, accompanying the insecurity she has been feeling ever since the day of having a child, the topic was discussed between us. “You'll be the best mother and I'm right here with you. We will take care of our kid together.” I declared while cupping her face in my palms. 

“Stop crying now, little siren. It doesn't suit you at all.” I added, a chuckle leaving my mouth. “Stop it!” She exclaimed, a grin appearing on her face. “I love you! You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so lucky that you're the one becoming the mother of my child.” I stated. Y/n stared at me for a brief moment. “I love you too.” She mumbled. 

“Shall we go home now?” I asked, remembering that we were in fact still in the hospital. “Oh my God, yes!” I let out a chuckle before interlinking our hands together. 


If I thought that the next nine months could be torture then I was wrong because as it turned out, it was actually a lot horrible. “Can you at least tell me, what exactly are you doing here?” I ask, narrowing my eyes on the little siren who is now eight months pregnant and now has turned into a hellion. She glares up at me, the dim lights of our kitchen falling over her frame. 

The thought of her disappearance in the middle of the night sent me spiraling only to find her eating shit tons of chocolate on the kitchen counter. “Go away, Coldie!” So my old nickname has made its dashing come back in her pregnancy. “Is it about dinner again?” I ask, leaning against the wall. She huffed and continued to eat. I let out a sigh and approached her. 

She was upset that I didn't let her eat the chicken today but it was too spicy and would've been really bad for her health. Y/n,despite being healthy enough to bear a baby, was going through some fewer complications after her first trimester and since then I've been very careful with her. Especially her diet and exercises that she must do. Yes, we wanted a baby but I don't need a baby if I have to pay the price of her health. 

I'd rather have her by my side for as long as I can. 

I swiftly take the chocolate from her and a sigh escapes my mouth at the mess she has created around her lips. “You know it wasn't good for your health, little siren.” I grab the tissues and start cleaning her mouth. The tears gathered in her eyes so quickly, I doubt they were already sitting there. I sigh yet again at the sight of her tears. She tends to cry a lot nowadays. Also, I receive calls from her very often whenever I'm out for work. 

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