Chapter 1

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You know those stories your parents would read to you as a child? 

Aurora Mero had a life just like that. The huge castle, the thousands of dresses, and thousands of suitors wanting her hand in marriage. She never accepted them though. She had a boyfriend. His name? Lucas Tarik.

If you want to talk to Aurora, you must also speak with Lucas. they had been dating since Aurora was fifteen and Lucas was seventeen and nothing could break them apart until, one day on their 1st anniversary, Lucas started acting strange. He would barely talk to her, and would sometimes avoid her completely. every time she tried to speak to him, she was greeted with cold silence. he was always on his phone, swiping the screen and being very possessive.

She soon discovered that he was cheating on her with another maiden.

Shocking, I know. They had fights and broke up soon after that, but Lucas felt so bad that he decided to apologize, and they got back together. Lily Elowen, Aurora's best friend, was sceptical and did not trust him. Who knows what her judgment was like, because it's been almost a year since they got back together, and they've been doing great, so far.

*One Day before the Second Anniversary *

*Aurora's POV*

"OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!" Me and my sister Aveline squealed. it was the day of my and Lucas's anniversary, and I was hoping for a proposal because Jeniva, my sister's girlfriend,  said she saw him buy an engagement ring.

"Avvie!, imagine, Today could be the day your sister gets engaged !! "

" I know Rora, I know!!, maybe ( you get taken away from me forever! Ugh! What will I do without you?"

"Oh shut up, I know you and Jen will enjoy your peace alone without worrying about me." 



"I'm just kidding!, but I seriously cannot believe my sister is gonna get engaged!"

I left Aveline's room and went to get ready. I called my butler, George, and asked him to pick out a dress for me to wear before I go to his castle.


I was walking around campus, looking for Lily when I heard crying. I saw a boy, around seventeen, bawling his eyes out. I timidly approached him and said, 

"Hey, are you ok?"

He looked up, and I saw his eyes, they were black and full of tears.

"No I'm not, he said my family kicked me out because I loved the enemy's daughter."

"I said, who ?"

"He looked into my eyes and said, 



I still get butterflies when I remember how I met Lucas when I was just fifteen. My kingdom has a policy where people can legally get married at the age of seventeen. Alderbrook is beautiful, and everybody who lives here loves it. There are Lakes and rivers and many beautiful houses and shops.

I live in a big castle in the centre of the city. Lucas lives in a smaller castle somewhere at the edge of town. 

George pulled out a beautiful short white dress and silver earrings and got Martha to do my hairdo

George pulled out a beautiful short white dress and silver earrings and got Martha to do my hairdo

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As I boarded my limo to go to his house, I called him to ask what he was doing

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As I boarded my limo to go to his house, I called him to ask what he was doing.

He answered the phone, and I could hear him grunting slightly, i was shocked did I disturb him?

I swore I heard soft moans, and I got flashbacks from the past when I realised he was cheating on me

Dazed, I asked,

"Hey, are you in the middle of something?"


"Why did you scream that out ?"

"Nothing, I just can't wait to see you later today !"


"Bye Babe"


I asked the driver to speed up feeling anxious, thoughts raced through my head, he wouldn't do this again, would he? I started panting as the limo door opened.

I rushed into the Castle my parents gifted him, Without doing a check with the guards.

I heard moans echoing along the castle walls, as the realization set in.

I rushed into the bedroom he always used and saw him, being in the process of sexual intercourse with a girl who looked 14.

I screamed.



"No no no, Rora I can explain, I-"



I screamed with all the pain and agony coming out of my voice.

The 14-year-old naked girl, looked at me slyly, showing the ring he proposed to her with.

Lucas stood there, looking helpless, wearing a t-shirt and some sweatpants.

I said, "I'm calling my guard. This is not legal." and rushed out of the room, him following, shouting  

"Aurora please!"

"No, Lucas! I'm done changing you!"


Authors Note: 

Hey ! So uhm, yeah first time writing a book, im trying to post consistently, because im on summer vacay sooooo yah.

I hope you like the book so far , i dont expect to go far  at all

Feel free to write any feedback you want.

Alora out!

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