Chapter 1

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- LILY! GET OUT OF BED YOU WILL BE LATE! my mom shouted.

- Mom stop murdering my ears you know my hearing is bad already, I mumbled. 

I got out of bed and sighed. My room was such a mess. LED lights over my bed, clothes on  the floor and posters on the wall. My closet had tons of leggings and hoodies, which I hated. I preferred crop tops but my parents didn't want to get me any. I ended up wearing this: 

I thought it looked alright, and why put in effort I mean its school

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I thought it looked alright, and why put in effort I mean its school. My breakfast ended up being non existent since I woke up late AGAIN. My mom usually wakes me up in the mornings but that day she had to go to work early. I put on my jacket and ran out of the house. It was absolutely freezing outside. I put my arms in the pockets of my jacket and kept walking away from my house. I stopped outside of Mayas house, because we were supposed to walk to school together. 

Mayas mom got out of the house and told me Maya was sick, so she wasn't able to walk with me. That annoyed me so much. Life at school without Maya was hell. Constant bullying, weird looks in the corridor and of course the main problem: Marcus Gunnarsen. That boy and his twin, Martinus would not leave me alone. Some people say it is because both of them liked me, but I didn't believe them. Suddenly I heard a car approaching me. I turned around and saw it slowing down. Take a guess on who got out of the car. If you said Marcus then you are correct. 

- Hey girl! Are you cold? He smirked. I was wrong. That ladies and gentlemen was Martinus, the fuckboy. 

- No I'm good. I tried to keep my answer short and cold. Mission failed miserably. 

- Oh your loss I know you like me Lily, Martinus answered and at that moment I felt something cold down my spine. While Martinus was distracting me, Marcus got out of the car and sneaked up on me. 

- YOU IDIOT MY CLOTHES ARE WET NOW! I completely lost it at Marcus. He looked at me like I was a weirdo and mumbled something. Great, now I had lots of snow in my jacket. I quickly turned around to throw snow at him, but to my suprise he was standing two centimeters away from me. I blushed so bad that he had to try so bad not to burst out laughing. Then he did something so weird that I would never forget that day. He hugged me. Like hugged me real thight, and I hugged back. Gosh, his cologne smelled so good. After about ten seconds he let me go and smiled. Martinus just rolled his eyes and got in the car again. 


Sorry that this part is so short, I only update when I'm bored and I can't think of that much to write tbh :/

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