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"What are your plans for today?" Travis asks, sitting next to me on a bench in our campus.

"Umm not anything really.. just school and then there's your game tonight" I say casually even though I've never been to one of Travis's games. Mainly because Austin always went and I'm not a big sports fan so I didn't want it to be suspicious.

His whole fight light up "you're coming to my game?" He says with excitement "I those you didn't like football". I take a sip from my latte before answering "but I love you and I want to watch you do what you love and support you".

I give him a sweet smile, I'm glad to see him so happy and excited about something so small like me coming to watch him play. That's the bare minimum when your boyfriend is a football player.

He leans in to capture me in a kiss "I love you Tay" he whispers into my lips before pecking them one more time.
"I love you too Travy" my hand that isn't holding to coffee takeaway cup moves up to cup his cheek.

"You're the best baby, I have to get to practice but I'll see you tonight right after the game okay?"

"Okay" I nod smiling as he gets up to go. I watch as he walks away, looking back once and blowing me a kiss "I'll win for you!".

A little later I meet Hayley in the only class we share, after it ends we head back to our dorms together "do you want to come to Travis's game with me tonight?"

She looks over at me for a moment "you're going to that? But you don't like sports"

"Yeah but I want to be there to support him"
I tell her and she nods.

"oh that's great! I'm sure he'll be happy to have you there. I'll come with you"

We return to our room, make ourselves a snack and begin doing our assignments from today so we'll finish before going to the game.

After a while we're done and begin to get ready for the game, I straighten my hair and do a light make up. Both Hailey and I choose to wear red, which is the collage's team color. Then we leave, taking a ride with another girl from our floor that her boyfriend is also in Travis's team.

We get to the field and the atmosphere is electric, the cheerleading team is doing their routine and hyping up the crowd. I look at the girls with their short skirts and tiny tops. In high school I always feared of these type of girls, they always walked in groups in the hallways and sent intimidating faces at anyone they didn't like. I was one of those people. Those are the girls you would've expected Travis to be with, the hot girls that have so much confidence and everyone likes. Not someone like me, I have a wild curly hair I can't tame half of the days, I'm into books and music and I don't go to parties and hang out often. I much prefer to stay home and watch movies.

The game begins and I see Travis looking for me in the crowd, I can't catch his eyes tho. But I do text him a selfie so he might see it in half time.

Every time someone throws the ball to Travis I scream, cheering him on. He even scores a touchdown and the entire crowd stand up clapping and whistling. I hug Hailey with excitement and we jump from happiness.

The game ends and Travis's team wins. "Do you want to go down to the field to find him?" Hailey asks and I nod. We go down but I freeze on the way over when I see a blond cheerleader hugging Travis. She has her hands around his neck and he has one hand on her upper back. He pulls away from her and she's whispers something in his ear, he frowns, shaking his hand. She shrugs and places a palm on his chest before saying something else I can't hear. I watch the scene speechless, what the fuck is going on, why is she so touchy with my boyfriend and why doesn't he push her away?

I bite my lower lip tryin my best not to let the tears flow. "C'mon Hailey let's go" I whisper to my friend and turns to walk away. She comes right after me "Taylor I'm sure he has some explanation. He loves you and he seemed like he tried to push her away" she says but I don't care. I know he wouldn't cheat on me or anything but he didn't really push her away either. I know I said u don't mind his past but the only explanation I can think of why she'll feel this comfortable with him is that they've slept together before and the thought discusses me.

For the entire game I looked through the crowd, trying to find Taylor but I didn't see her. I still did my best for her, knowing she is here somewhere I wanted her to see me winning, especially since it's the first time ever she's at one of my games.

Now I'm on the field celebrating with my team, I walk away quickly towards the stands to find my girlfriend but Kayla finds me first. She's in the cheering squad, we hooked up once last year and she's been so obsessive and clingy since. I have no idea why she doesn't let go.

"Hey kelce!" I roll my eyes at her voice.

"Kayla.." she jumps to hug me with her hands around my neck and I want to tear her away from me but not wanting to cause a scene I just hug her back with one hand for only a second and then pull away.

"You wanna come to line for a little celebration of two?" I can't believe her.

I shake my head "no. I have a girlfriend Kayla leave me alone" she raises her eyebrows at me.

"You? I know you Travis you don't do girlfriends.." she places her hand on my chest and I'm shocked from her boldness so it takes me an extra second to tear her away from me "I know you want me"

Now I'm mad "you don't know anything about be. I love my girlfriend and you should really stop it. You're embarrassing yourself" I say before walking away past her. Just then I find Taylor. She's with her back to me walking away, I know she's pissed from the pace of her walk. Shit she's probably saw Kayla throwing herself at me and got the whole thing wrong.

I catch Hailey's face, she's shaking her head at me before turning away and continuing walking with Taylor. "Taylor!!" I call after her but she wouldn't turn. I can't go yet, we have an after game meeting with the coach and all my stuff including my phone is in my locker.

I have to fix this.

The things I can't have - Taylor and Travis (AU)Where stories live. Discover now