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My hands find their way to wrap around his neck and somehow he ends up pushing me against the wall. Thank god I took a turn to a somewhat private place because I'm so not the girl to make out in front of everyone.

When the need to breathe becomes too much I force myself to pull away for air.

We catch each other's gaze and just start laughing. He presses another short kiss on my lips to stop us from laughing.

Now he's the one to pull away and he sighs "now what?"

"Now you're gonna have to take me on a first date" I announce and he chuckles.
"Of course, I'm gonna plan a night you'd never forget." I smile.

The feeling of his hands around me and his body pressed so close to mine is incredible but I make myself push him off.

I start walking a few steps backwards away from him as I say "pick me up tomorrow at eight?" He frowns.

"Why not tonight?"

"I already have plans" I don't. But I'm gonna have to make him wait at least a day after I waited for 8 years.

"Okay but wait I'll give you a ride" he calls cause I'm too far from him by now.

I just shake my head with a mischievous smile and turn my back at him laughing to myself. I can't believe this.

I wanted him for so long and did nothing about it just to learn that for some of this time at least he wanted me back?

That's craze, I have no idea why he'd want me when every girl in this college probably wants him. I'll have to wait till tomorrow to ask.

I text Abigail.

Me: you'd never believe what just happened.

Abigail: whatttt???

Me: Travis and I just kissed. And he's taking me out on a date tomorrow night.

Abigail: shut up.
Abigail: how did that happen? I'm so happy for you!
Abigail: pls be careful tho, you know his reputation

Me: I know but I think it's gonna be different this time.
Me: can I call?

A few seconds later Abigail calls me herself and I update her in everything that happened since that part lat week until now.


When I enter the room I see Hailey sitting on her bed with her laptop and a book, probably doing her homework.

I close the doe door behind me and lean against it, trying to control my smile as she looks up at me.

"Why are you making that face?" She laughs at me. But I really can't contain the smile that spreads across my face "Taylor you're scaring me what's going on?"

"Travis kissed me" I blurt out and watch her eyes widen "what!?" She smiles now too.

I nod at her walking towards her bad and sitting on its edge. "He waited outside my lecture for me and wanted to talk, I tried ignoring him but he was so stubborn and persistent that eventually I had to stop but when I did I just lashed at him" my roommate had a weird look on her face, not understanding how what I'm telling her ended with a kiss and me being this happy.

I continue telling her about how he admitted to have feelings for me but being scared of my brother's reaction and how I made him realize it was worth taking the risk.

"Then he just kissed me and it was the most amazing kiss ever" I fall back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"He wanted to take me on a date tonight but I told him I had plans"

"But you don't" she says d with a question tone. I turnmy head to her "I do, you and I are going shopping for a new outfit for tomorrow"

"Ohhhh okay" she chuckles "just let me finish this first".


I kissed Taylor. I have a date with Taylor. I'm gonna be 'dating' her.

I can't wrap my head around it, I feel the excitement in every cell in my body. I try to focus on Taylor and the good things that are about to happen. But I can't, not fully anyways.

Because my mind drift to Austin, I'm terrified of the moment he'll find out. I hope he could be happy for us, see we tried to avoid it but our feelings were too strong. I really hope he'll believe me when I'll tell him I love her and I'm not going to hurt her. Also I hope he won't beat me before I tell him that.

Just then my bedroom door opens and he stands in the door way.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" He asks.

"I have a date tomorrow" I don't want to lie to him, I just won't tell him the whole truth.
"Who's the poor girl?" He laughs and I shake my head in response, I know I'm his best friend and he loved me but does he really thinks that it's this horrible to date me?

"It's not like that this time" I tell him, preparing the ground for the time he'll really find out who the girl is "she's different, special. Everything about her and us is different. It's serious this time, real" he raises an eyebrow at me and I nod "I don't intend on messing it up" it's the truth. Taylor is special and even tho my record with the women king is not the greatest, I'm gonna treat her right. She's the only girl I've ever loved.

He nods, my seriousness about this girl getting to him and he seems... impressed?

"Did you finally grow up? What's her name"

I chuckle at him "yeah I guess I did" I say, answering only the first part of what he said before getting out of bed and grabbing my gym bag.

"Who's the girl?" He insists.
"I have to go to gym, Patrick's waiting for me. I'll tell you another time" I avoid the question again and he gets the hint and drops it.

"Fine enjoy your workout" he says and I'm already out of the room on my way to the apartment door "also I'm stying at Emma's tomorrow night so you'll have the apartment to yourself" he yells as I'm getting out and I roll my eyes.

As tempting as it is, I won't sleep with Taylor on the first date. That's not what people do when they're serious about a relationship. Also, I have no idea if she's ever done it before. Not that it matters.

I have only one chance with her, if I'll mess it up Austin will never speak to me again and never let me anywhere near her.

I'm gonna be the best gentleman a girl can wish for.

The things I can't have - Taylor and Travis (AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt