007.5 » 蛍

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"Are you.. sure that'll work? it's pretty high up.." A high pitched voice asked the young blonde haired traveler.

"It's Liyue! everything's worth adventuring" She spoke with determination in her eyes, she's defeated gods before.. so climbing a mere mountain in Liyue would be a piece of cake. Right?


As she was climbing the mountain to reach the said "Statue of The Seven" on top of it, she ran out of stamina and fell down, much to her disappointment.

Just as she was about to use her anemo element to create a wind current and rescue herself, sparks of green danced through the air. Suddenly, she felt a pair of cold hands enveloping her shoulders from behind.

Her gaze then locked with a pair of intense, bright amber eyes that looked at her with a touch of concern in them.

"Are you alright?"

"Ah, Xiao! I could've done it by myself.. but thank you regardless"

"You could've just called out my name, I would've arrived earlier"

"But either way, you still saved me"

♡ 𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 | xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now