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A mysterious legion of undead crossed Zhao Lun's path and departed without a second glance, leaving Zhao Lun in a state of internal struggle.

"What's this? They can't be bothered to kill me?"

Initially angered by what he perceived as disrespect, Zhao Lun's reaction was merely an exaggerated response to the sudden turn of events. Soon, he regained his composure.

Turning around to face the vanishing legion, Zhao Lun declared defiantly, "Regardless, I will surely take down this bunch in the future, beat them soundly!"

With that said, Zhao Lun turned without hesitation and headed back to his mountain cave.

Outside was too dangerous; better to return home and rest!

Meanwhile, the undead legion encountered an unexpected trouble.

Shortly after disappearing from Zhao Lun's sight, they faced a fierce windstorm even more terrifying than the "natural disaster" Zhao Lun had witnessed earlier.

Sand and rocks flew in the air, with giant boulders larger than five meters being swept upward by the wind. Invisible blades mingled among the debris, as if someone was orchestrating this storm to tear everything apart. The storm, with its destructive force, bore down on the mysterious undead legion.


A calm voice cut through the howling wind, as if possessing a power to silence all. After the voice spoke, the ferocious wind inexplicably ceased, leaving only countless boulders raining down like drops. The undead legion's pace remained unaltered throughout.

Despite the wind subsiding, the hidden antagonist was not deterred. The sky turned ice-blue, and the temperature plummeted. Fist-sized ice-blue droplets fell, each capable of instantly freezing a five to six-meter giant boulder upon impact.


Yet again, the calm voice intervened, turning the ice-blue sky back to crimson, making the icy droplets vanish before they could land.

From another perspective, it was clear that this mysterious undead legion was even more formidable.

"Ice Rain!" the hidden figure persisted, launching another powerful magical attack.

Once again, the calm voice from within the undead legion negated the threat.

Faced with three consecutive failures, the hidden figure realized the futility of conventional attacks against this undead legion. Either they needed to amass greater strength for a more potent assault or there was no point in further attacks. Consequently, there were no more attacks against the undead legion.

With no hindrances, the mysterious undead legion swiftly reached its destination within ten minutes.

Hovering over the center of the Bone Wasteland, the legion beheld a massive city below. From above, it was clear that this was a city of skeletons, as the city walls were covered with an abundance of them, giving an aura of impending doom and despair.

If John Smith were here, he would be astonished to find not a single skeleton of Level 5 or below among the countless skeletons on the city walls. Roughly estimating, there were at least tens of thousands, indicating an incredibly powerful city. Even more astonishing, this formidable city appeared unnerved facing a mere few thousand of the mysterious undead legion. How terrifying must this legion be? John Smith would have no hope of challenging them.


The calm voice resonated once more, now with a solemn and authoritative tone.


Thousands of undead simultaneously drew blood-red javelins.

This action triggered a nervous response among the fragile nerves of the skeletal inhabitants below, prompting the reappearance of the voice that had hindered the legion earlier.

"Death descends!"

As if invoking a terrifying curse, a horrifying gray mist enveloped the entire city, while a colossal figure with a strong aura of death materialized slowly above the city.

Cloaked in a wide gray robe, wielding a black scythe emanating endless wails, this figure, towering hundreds of meters tall, appeared as a grim reaper.


As soon as the 'grim reaper' appeared, the voices of the undead echoed from within the cloak, followed by a crescendo of mournful wails from the scythe. Swinging with an unstoppable force, the scythe cleaved through the air toward the undead legion.

Yet, for the mysterious undead legion, the grim reaper's call was not irresistible. Facing the scythe's swing, thousands of blood-red javelins rained down.

The first volley shattered the grim reaper's scythe, the second shattered its form, and the remaining javelins struck the skeletal city under the grim reaper's protection. The sky turned blood-red with the javelins' crimson glow, and soon after, where the grim reaper and the city once stood, there remained only a colossal crater and a hovering, eerie white orb.

In an instant, the grim reaper and the city were eradicated by the mysterious undead legion.


At that moment, the eerie white orb burst into several hundred fragments, transforming into white meteors that disappeared.

Throughout this spectacle, the mysterious undead legion watched calmly. After the strange orb completely vanished, the legion resumed its march and quickly left the scene of devastation.

In this brief and astonishing battle where tens of thousands of skeletons perished in mere moments, the overwhelming power displayed left no room for doubt. If John Smith witnessed this, he would think twice before attempting to challenge them.

However, speaking of John Smith, as the strange orb shattered, a fragment flew straight toward John Smith's mountain cave...


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