The Case

22 11 3

This chapter contains photographic representation of some scenes. I do not have any right in the photos, credit to the rightful owners. These pictures are collected from Pinterest.

@TheNickelBooks - For the file

@Chabltmr - For the file names

@Lehari - For the office cabin

@TheDinnerBite - For the coffee

After waiting for a few more minutes the file came and when they were about to read it the worker said

"Be careful, Ms.Jung, soon there will be an eruption in your life." said the worker...

Da - Yeol immediately understood who he was(and who this worker is, you have to read the series of updates which will be in future)

"What are you talking about??" asked Jhope

"Nothing, but just be strong and careful" said he

The man bowed to everyone present there and disappeared from the sight of reach.

Krystal found it eerie and strange and after watching so many Indie movies she found it suspicious but cleared her throat and said

"Nevermind, let's check the case" said Krystal a bit unsure..

They sat on the chairs and sofa..

(Pls ignore those people sitting there , I couldn't remove them so pls cope with it 😭)

They started reading the file....

The information of the case goes like...

Name - James Hunt

Age - 26

Occupation - Arts student. Students visa

College - Seoul University

Living - H Hostel, Itaewon

Purpose - Came here for studies

Parents - Oliver Hunt and Lily Hunt

Relationship - None

Friends - Songmin, Hana

Body was not found but bl*od was found and through Forensic report,It states it was his bl*od only.

Parents are assuming that the said boy was being bullied and it can be a reason of s*icide but also involved in a m*rder by those bullies.

Bullies - Beom-seok, Kyung, Bong , Chul, Aera.

Statements of Bullies

Beom - Seok - We, i mean me and my friends ,Kyung, Bong , Chul, Aera ,were at a club named "Moonstar Club"doing a party.

All the other statements were the same.

After reading the case file, it was clear that it is a crucial case to solve.

"Don't you think it's bit weird that the only statements that were taken were from bullies and only of Beom-seok's is taken rest are given as the same" said J-hope

"It is, indeed, we need to first know those bullies' backgrounds then we can say why it is like that. I guess the gang might be having a rich family and used their power in front of police so that they can't get to the roots and thus preventing their reputation and now as the parents of deceased aren't fulfilled ,they cased a file for investigation." said Krystal while making coffee for her teammates

"Impressive. But it can be that all the kids are involved...maybe they all are rich kids."

"It can be. What do you think Da - Yeol , you have been silent all the time??" asked Krystal

"Yeah you are right, I think I know these names...Somewhere...argh" said Da - Yeol, frustrated enough

"Here take this cup of coffee..." said Krystal giving the cup of coffee

Da - Yeol took a sip of the coffee, and it was perfect. It tasted like heaven but the it isn't the time to devour the coffee but the case.

"Yeah now I remember. Beom-seok is the son of Mr. Jeong, Kyung is the daughter of Mr.Baek, Bong is the son of Mr. Jang, Chul is the son Mr. Chae and Aera is the daughter of Mr. Cheong. They are our business partners, as my company is about clothing industry, Home, they are in companies of fashion,advertisement, complexes, transportation, shares , they help me in it. This isn't them, they might have threatened them to resolve it and the children might have done this." said Da - Yeol sipping the coffee

"Or might be it is a s*uicide and they were present at the moment. Might be the statement is wrong and if bribing the police is normal for them then the bartender is nothing." said Jhope

"Let's start the mission tomorrow as it already the time to pack up.." announced Krystal finishing her cup and taking others.

Like this all returned to their home but.....

Hey guys

so here is the story 

there will be more next time

And it is a surprise!!

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy

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