Security issues in the galaxy far far away...

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It has been a few days since Izuku's fateful "Talk" with his uncle regarding the galactic economics, which boiled down to Izuku keeping his newest invention under the wraps, at least until both him and Emir (Wat Tambor't title - gets less confusing this way) managed to think a way to implement it without busting down all economics in the galaxy...

At the current moment Izuku and his mother were walking towards one of the main landing pads with a pep in their steps - and why would that be?

Simple really!

Since the time when they have parted, Count of Serenno has finally decided that it was finally safe enough to get back in contact with them...

Thus, they were basically going over to greet him upon his arrival...

Wat Tambor would love to come as well, but he was held up by some official business, thus he would meet with his friend at a later time...

As Izuku and his mother walked towards the main landing pad they heard shouting coming from the alleyway next to them...

Being Midoriyas, their inherent curiosity took over and the duo went to investigate, only to find a blue skinned male skakoan in worn down breathing equipment, and tattered robes, attempting to rob a green skinned female of his species at a knife point...

While bladed weapons went out of favour for blasters galaxy wide, blades were still a silent weapon, that was rather easy to conceal, and to get your hands on, as the blade in the poorer Skakoan's hand was anything but new, or at least well maintained...

As the male went in for the stab, he could only find himself dumbfounded, as the blade that was in his hands suddenly tore itself from them, and fled into the entry of the alleyway...

There he saw annoyed looking Inko with her hand outstretched, which then daintily caught the blade without any visible effort, or strain...

Inko: /Loud and serious/ Please calm down and surrender! You are unar-!

Before she could finish, the male Skakoan started charging, the robes that the species usually wore in order to conceal their bodies were almost absent due to ripping and tearing, allowing the Skakoan to run without any obstructions that obviously showed, as the male was really booking it in their direction...

Inko: /Worried exclamation, falling over/ Shit! Omph!-

She managed to throw the knife backwards, in order to not allow the desparate, or even crazed, Skakoan to get it back, which helped, but distracted her from the offender himself, who was now perched on top of her, and attempted to start punching her, only for Izuku to start seeing red at the sight of his mom being threatened by this ANIMAL...

He was tired of being unable to protect his loved ones...

The Skakoan, no matter how crazed, could not concentrate on hurting Inko, as her son jumped on the crazed being's back, and started to scratch and bite at the Skakoan's head...

In accordance to the popular belief, it is often noted that the Skakoans are all bald, which may be true, but even they have SKIN, which the unfortunate assaulter was having almost torn off by the now feral little inventor...

Thug: /Desparate, in pain/ Get off! Get it off! Get off you little shit!!!

The male continued to trash around, as Izuku continued to bite - his teeth now stained with blackened ichor and small bits of the Skakoan's pale blue skin, as he continued to hold onto the male's back...

My Hero in the Galaxy Far Far Away!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora