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"I hate clones."

"You do realize you are in a room of clones as you say that?" Tech asked, not bothering to glance up from his datapad.

"Not you two," Z amended, pushing the chair she was in farther back, "but like, most of them."

"You're a clone." Echo pointed out, turning his chair to face where she was spinning in hers.

"My point stands."

"Why did they let her be a soldier?" Echo asked, turning to Tech for support.

"Money." Z and Tech both replied.

"How did you survive being a soldier?" Echo leaned forward, raising an eyebrow.

"High pain tolerance."

"I'm not even gonna ask." The arc trooper mumbled, turning away.

"Probably for the best." Z concluded, she stuck out her leg, stopping the chair from spinning.

"We need a way into the imperial compound." Tech reminded them, "Or else we won't be able to get the chain codes, or did you both forget that?"

"I'm trying to-"
"Impound the ship." Z blurted out, interrupting Echo.

"Excuse me?" Tech asked looking up for his datapad.

"Impound. The. Ship." Z gave him a look, "It gets us inside the compound, and we can blow up a few Imperial buildings while we're at it."

"She's crazy." Echo muttered, "But she's right. It's the easiest way in."

"We could lose the ship!" Tech protested.

"So we cry and then steal a Star Destroyer or something." Z shrugged. "I dunno."

Tech sighed in disappointment.

Hunter and Cut had come back an hour or so ago, talking about the chain codes and how they were stuck on world. Then there was Omega. Z had been on the ship when the Nexu had attacked, but she had heard it. Z had climbed into the gunner's mount just as it was scared off. Seeing the feline had reminded her of Jesse.

One of the three regs she liked. (Excluding the Wolfpack)

Except Jesse hadn't been nearly as graceful as the Nexu was now. He was more like porg. Cute but clumsy.

"You actually want to get the ship impounded?" Tech asked with another sigh.

"I would love to. Please let me make the call."



Now, Jonathan Vector was no one special. However, he prided himself on being the best (and the only) employee in charge of the call center. The amount of ships he brought in just had to be noticeable by the superiors. He knew one day he'd get a promotion. He felt giddy when he got another call, and rubbed his hands together in excitement before answering it.

"Thank you for calling the Imperial Ship depot, how may I assist you today?" He asked with a smile.

"Is this the meiloorun farmer?" A female voice with a very strange and very thick accent asked. "Because I have been waiting for days for my order and you sound just like him." This person was insane, he decided.

"No, ma'am, this is the Imperial Ship depot, do you have a vessel to report?" He asked again.

"Alright, Jeronimo if you wanna play it like that, I do." The person said.

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