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Freeze would lie down on the couch that never seemed to grow old throughout the years, he would dart his eyes around the room, the old pictures of Quantum and him, the living room of his laboratory could've been a time machine, dust gathering on every appliance in that room.

Freeze wasn't a human, or at least he was pretty sure he wasn't, he was a literal walking and talking ice so he'd do what he could do with that information.

He'd grab the remote, fidget with it before pressing the red power button, and before his movie would play he'd watch an ad.

Usually, he'd skip past these, but this time, something intrigued him.

It was a Help Wanted ad for one of those gameshows Quantum would watch, Quantum was always intrigued with stuff that showed emotion for some weird reason.

Freeze was turning 19 soon, he should probably be getting a job soon, so he called the line and heard a female voice on the line"..Uh..hello! Thank you for calling the The Televiser's Gameshow hotline! If you are calling you should be here for a job application, right?"

"Uh..yeah," Freeze said nervously, tilting his glasses up. "Alright..anyways my name is Shelly, I'll be asking you some questions and we'll email you if you get accepted to get an interview alright?"

"Alright," Freeze said gathering his confidence together.

Meanwhile, Flame would sit on his leather recliner, tears in the chair from months of use attacking that poor chair.

He had about 30 minutes before the party was about to start, a party always happened on weekends, he looked around his dusty room, a lot of empty portraits, some of his family he had torn out, and some other boring stuff that his friends would call stupid.

Flame, like Freeze, wasn't human, he was a literal walking fire hazard, thankfully he somehow didn't burn whatever he touched.

He'd put the alcohol he was saving for the party in the corner, and sit back down, he'd check his phone and scroll past the unread texts from his parents, his eyes drift to the time, 20 minutes left. Good enough.

He'd turn on his TV, it'd flash static until it would play an advertisement for Televiser's GameShow.

Great, he had to waste time watching a stupid advertisement, yet he'd notice it was help wanted, as much as he did hate that show, he did need a job.

He rolled his eyes at the mere thought of working there, but he called it anyway, He'd hear a female voice say "2 in 1 day? Uh, I mean! Thank you for calling the Televisers GameShow hotline, are you here for a job?"

"Yes," Flame would say scoffing, "I'm Tenna, I'm going to ask you some questions, and we'll email you if you get accepted for an actual interview alright?" "Alright, lady." Flame would reply.

A Day later, Freeze would be watching his show, the fictional girl on the screen's tail wagging, he knew if anyone figured out this was what he watched, he'd be put on the spot entirely.

He'd keep watching till' his phone rang, he got an email!

What if it was for the interview?!

He was correct! Scheduled in 2 days, Freeze would run over to Quantum excited "QUANTUM I GOT THE INTERVIEW!" Freeze said, jumping around him.

"Congratulations Freeze!" Quantum said calmly.

Flame would groggily wake up, absolutely DESTROYED from last night.

He'd grip his phone awkwardly, once more ignoring his parent's messages, it always felt like they only called him when they needed him.

Fucking thieves.

Flame would see in the corner of his eye, a notification in his email stating that he got the interview, nice.

2 days later.

Freeze would search through his closet for a suit, till he found one, a light blue-ish suit, it'd be perfect.

Freeze would put it on, struggling to tie a tie for a solid 15 minutes before giving in and asking Quantum.

"Remember Freeze, if you get nervous, just gotta breathe in and out. Okay?" Quantum said.

Meanwhile, Flame would be sitting on his leather couch once again, watching his channels and such, until it clicked in his head that, oh shit, he had the interview today!

So he'd get off of the torn leather couch and immediately skim through his closet, he'd snatch the nearest semi-good-looking suit, awkwardly put it on, and start power-walking out of his apartment.

Freeze would open the door to the studio, fidgeting with his fingers as he'd bite the inside of the side of his cheek, he'd walk in feeling himself start to melt.

He'd drift his eyes to the side, he'd see a weird man with a camera as his head, a small stitched rabbit doll with some sort of bow tie, and some sort of electrical fucking pufferfish?

He'd snap out of it and realize he was standing in front of the receptionist for like 2 minutes straight, "Uh, I'm here for the interview?"

"What's your name?" The lady said, "It's Freeze."

"Your last name?" The lady asked, "It's uh, complicated. Just look up Freeze?" Freeze murmured nervously.

"Room 143, 2nd floor." The lady said.

"Thank you, ma'am!" Freeze said awkwardly, sprinting to the elevator, ignoring how he was literally dripping water from melting.

The elevator would go to his floor, he'd spot his room and power walk.

He'd walk into the room and find a messy-haired-looking dude, "Your Freeze?" The guy would say, "Y-Yep that's!" Freeze said nervously, his eyes looking around the room.

"I'm Samuel" He'd put his legs on the desk, crossing them, "I'm gonna ask you a few questions, alright Mr.Freeze?" Samuel said.

"Okay," Freeze said with a hint of fear in his voice.

Flame would sprint to the building, and open the door, rolling his eyes. This place looked like its budget was 50 dollars max, he'd walk to the counter and place the side of his arm on the counter, "Are you Flame?" the receptionist would ask. "Yep," Flame replied.

"Room 182, floor 2." The lady finished off.

After a painstakingly long interview, Freeze would get the confirmation, he was hired! Even though he definitely made multiple mistakes, and probably said half of his info needed to be corrected, he got the job!

Working as a technician!

Flame walked out of the elevator, glancing around as he walked until he saw something...

PSHH! "No way that Pipsqueak is here", Flame thought.

Flame pulled open the door and walked in.

As Freeze walked out of the office, he caught something in the corner of his eye..a flame... It couldn't be..he shrugged it off and continued walking forward, his pace increasing slightly in speed.

He'd walk into the office, a slicked hair dude looking at him, "Are you Flame?"

"Yeah NO SHIT?!?" Flame said jokingly.

"Okay, I'm gonna ask you a couple of questions, also I'm Henry"

"Fucking nerd name.." Flame murmured.

"What'd you say?" Henry said, "NOTHING!" Flame exclaimed.

After a very boring interview, Flame got the job, he started Monday.

He was gonna work as the technician along with Freeze.

He didn't know that, yet.


Flame and Freeze would go to their job, they were going to see who their co-worker was, Flame and Freeze walked into their quarters together and then had a good look at each other.

"FLAME?" Freeze yelled shocked, "FREEZE?!" "OH GOD!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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