Chapter 0.1. Like mother, like daughter

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Imay was a very rebelious kid growing up.
Even though she was raised by nuns all her life, her lack of spirituality resulted in her having no bending skills. Even as kids, those born in the Air Temples had a unique connection to airbending. From a young age, they would bend the air around them, making new methods for them to play, but Imay wasn't able to do so, even though she tried her best. She was looked down by others.

She was suffocated by the nuns. Meditation, practice, little to no contact with other girl in order to fix her. All in an attempt to make her aware of her abilities. Many whispers occurred around her, how she was a disgrace. Others believed she had no bending abilities. One of the only people born as non benders in the Temples. Due to the high level of spirituality all were born airbenders, but not her.

But the nuns believed in her, and did their best to raise her by the Nomad's principles. At the age of 16, Imay lost all hope of developing her airbending. She isolated herself from others and even though she disliked the temple, she found herself locked in her room way more often than she would like to admit. Due to her lack of skills, she wouldn't have the honor to wear the airbending tatoos.

When a small group of nuns and other girls made a trip into the Fire Nation to see Avatars Roku temple, the nuns thought it would be a good way for Imay to see how people were connected spiritually all around the world. Before they visited the temple they passed an ongoing festival.

Lanterns everywhere. Red, gold and yellow shades of decor everywhere. The music was loud and the people around were dancing and laughing. Imay felt relieved. Although in the Temples, girl made fun of her for her situation, here no one paid mind to her. She had no friends back home, but maybe she could try here. She had no tatoos and her orange and yellow clothes almost blended in with the other attires.

The grup carried on with their journey. No one paid attention to the fact that Imay was left behind and she was almost glad. She wandered around the place. Soon she sat down at a table. She had her arms on the table supporting her head. She looked around, seeing Fire Nation kids having fun, living a normal life. Oh, how much she wished that was her. Her eyes quickly settled on a group of teenagers sitting at a table away from her. There were two girls and three boys, each of them had a bottle in their hands occasionally taking a sip and laughing with eachothers.

She settled her gaze on a specific boy. He wore brown pants, a shirt, a black and red vest just like the others. Looked like some sort of uniform, perhaps their school uniforms, meaning they probably just finished school and came to honor the beginning of the weekend with some fun. Where the others had their hair in a bun, this boy had his hair free.

One of his friends caught Imay staring and while she averted her gaze to the table he nudged his friend, signaling to the girl. He said that he saw her staring at him and he should go up to her.

Imay was anxious and fiddling with her fingers and although the boy was normally not as social, he made the courage to approach the girl. With the bottle in hand, he took a seat across from her at the table. She raised hear head and looked at him. He was really handsome she thought. She got a good look at him. He had amber eyes and a small cut on his left eyebrow. He wore a shy smile as he spoke up.

"So, how is the festival? You like it?" He spoke kindly.

"Yea, I love all the lanterns, they're so pretty."

He reached in front of her with his hand. "My name is Yun."

She took his hand gently. "Imay, nice to meet you." She smiled back.

"Yun," she said quietly "is that an Air Nomad name?"

"Yea, my parents traveled a lot and they met Yun, a great friend of theirs. I got named after him."

Silence loomed over them, but it was a comfortable silence. Imay looked at the performers and Yun dragged his voice.

"Hey, you like flaming fire flakes?"

"Never had them." Yun's eyes had widened.

"Ok, wait here, I'll go get us some." He got up and started to walk away buy Imay caught his hand.

"Oh, but I don't have any money on me." The boy looked at the hand wrapped around his arms and smiled.

"My treat."

A few moments later Yun was back and he had a bowl of fire flakes and a sealed bottle in his hand, setting the two in front of Imay.

She was confused about the botlle but when she tasted the fire flakes she understood why. Her mouth was on fire as she reached for the water and opened it, downing half the bottle. They were both laughing after that. About an hour passed, Yun's friends have left way long ago, leaving the two teenagers alone. Yun looked at Imay and soon their eyes locked.

"Do you wanna dance?" Yun asked making his way in front of the girl reaching his hand.

Although Imay took the hand gladly she spoke up. "But I don't know how to dance."

Yun's lips broke into a wide smile. "Neither do I."

They went out into the street where all the musicians were. Everyone was dancing with eachother, young girls and boys of the fire nation, and hand in hand they joined them. It was a bit rough at first with Imay stepping on Yun's feet and apologizing over and over but the boy reasured her it's fine. After a few songs they got the hang of it, dancing in circles and twirling Imay around him.

The song quietly came to an end and they stood facing eachother. Yun's hands were around her waist while Imay had her hands around his neck. They looked into eachothers eyes and Yun opened his mouth to speak but was soon interrupted before any words could leave his mouth.

"Imay, what in the name of Spirits above were you thinking!" One of the nuns hurried towars Imay.

The two were startled and they backed away from eachother.

The nun grabbed Imay's arm as they walked away from the scene, scolding her about her recklessness and disobedience. The girl looked back once more at the boy and he looked at her with saddness in his eyes.

Little did they know this wouldn't be the last time they saw eachother.

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I really hope I'm not dumping too much info on you guys. These few first chapters will take place before the series an they'll explain how Yen's parents meet, how she got sent to the Air Temples, how they found out about the Avatars and them running away. I know it's a lot but bare with me bc it makes sense in my head.


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