Whats Next?

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[Helen and Bob are sitting at the pool.]

Helen: What are we gonna do?

Bob: I don't know. Maybe Dicker will find something?

Helen: Dicker is done, Bob. Any thought we had about being Supers again is fantasy. One of us has gotta get a job.

Bob: "One of us"?

Helen: You did a long stint at Insuricare.

Bob: Hated every minute of it.

Helen: I know it was hard on you. Maybe it's my turn at in the private sector and you take care of the kids...

Bob: No, I'm doing this. I need to do this. You know where my suit and ties are?

Helen: Burned up when...

Both: The jet destroyed our house.

Helen: (chuckles) Yeah. We can't count on anyone else now, Bob. It's just us. We can't wait for—

(Helen and Bob hear a door bang. They look around for a bit and see someone coming.)

Lucius: No lifeguard on duty! Swim at your own risk.

Bob: Oh, where'd you go today? I noticed you missed all the "fun".

Lucius: Don't be mad because I know when to leave a party. I'm just as illegal as you guys. Besides, I knew the cops would let you go.

Helen: Yeah, in spite of Bob's best efforts.

Bob: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Lucius: I heard the program shut down. How much longer are you in this motel?

Bob: Two weeks.

Lucius: Now, you know the offer still stands.

Helen: You're very generous, but there are five of us. We wouldn't do that to you and Honey.

Lucius: Well, the door's always open. You know, the news isn't all bad. While you guys were being...detained, I was approached by a dude who represents this tycoon. (gives Bob and Helen a business card)

Bob: Winston Deavor.

Lucius: Wants to talk with me, with you two, and Y/N about hero stuff. I checked him out. He's legit. Trained under Dicker. He wants to meet.

Bob: Y/N? Why does he want Y/N?

Lucius: He really likesY/N's Powers he wants to check him out

Helen: Ah, jeez! More superhero trouble. We just came from the police station, Lucius plus Y/N is also too young to be doing superhero stuff.

Bob: When?

Lucius: Tonight. I'm going there now. [opens his jacket to reveal his supersuit underneath]

Helen: You enjoy, I'm sitting this one out. (gives the business card back to Lucius)

Lucius: He wants all four of us.

Bob: Honey, let's just at least hear what he has to say.

Lucius: You got the address, I'll meet you guys there.

Helen: Go in our Supersuits?

Lucius: Yeah. Might wanna wear the old Supersuits. Got a feeling he's nostalgic.

[in Y/N's room]

Helen: Hey Y/N whatcha doing?

Y/N: Nothing, really. I'm just trying to get used to this room and everything that's happening right now. Everything feels different.

Helen: I know how that feels, Y/N. I know you are trying to adapt to this change and leave the superlife behind, but we would like you to do something for us.

Y/N: What is it?

Helen: There is this guy who loves your abilities, and he wants to talk with you

Y/N: Hmm, I dont know

Helen: we won't force you to do it if you dont want to

Y/N: No! I will do it

Helen: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yes, I'm sure it might be about something fun.

Helen: okay meet us at the door in 5 and wear your super suit.

Y/N: Out in public?

Helen: Wear a coat above it

Y/N: Okay, meet yall there

Helen: And Y/N

Y/N: Yeah?

Helen: Thank You for giving being a superhero a chance.

[Helen, Bob, and Y/N are ready to leave and say bye.]

Violet: Where are you going?

Bob: (as he opens the door) The fresh air is especially good tonight.

Helen: If Jack-Jack wakes up...

Violet: I know the drill.

(As Bob, Y/N, and Helen walk out the door, Violet notices Y/N's boots before they close the door.)

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