Chapter 25 - Final

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There was this strong force that made her keep standing on her feet. She could feel the pressure from the attack that was pushing her back more and more. Her feet were struggling to keep her in place but she couldn't give up now. She had to fight, she had to win. The world was at stake. There was no way she could back down now.

The darkness that was finding its way over to her, engulfed her and made her knees shake. She felt alone, she felt cold and weak. It was too much. It tore at her and made her legs give in, her whole being felt drained out, like all strength had left her. Yohan had already been thrown back, he hadn't been moving for quite some time now and that worried her. She didn't know where Van was. It was too dark to see, to cold to feel. Her hands were in front of her body, trying somehow to block off Baek's attack but she knew that it was only a matter of time before she would perish.

It was something she couldn't control when she stomped her right leg into the ground once more and started screaming with all her might. She screamed against the darkness, against the immense power that was pushing her back. As if that would actually do something.

She pushed once more with all her might, her voice sounded hoarse already, her throat was hurting. It was dry and she wished she could just sit down with Yohan and drink some wine again. A glass of wine would be perfect right now.

Another loud scream that left her lungs.

''Won Mi-Ho.''
She was lying on something soft, Van's head hovered over her right side, Yohan over her left. They both looked shocked but relieved at the same time. Did she pass out again?

''What happened?''

Her voice was still quivering when she tried to sit up. Yohan helped her into a sitting position in a second. Her eyes scanned the room, dimly lighted, a couch and a TV screen at the wall. Huge windows that were darkened by gray curtains. A small table and a chair at the other corner, some flowers and plants were decorating the desolated room. She was in a hospital.

''Where am I?''

Although she already knew, there was more than one hospital in Seoul, if they even still were in Seoul. Everything was blurry in her memory. The only things she remembered was Baek disappearing in thin air. Her hand rested on Van's lower arm, her eyes searched something in his.

''Did we really won?''

It took her too long for Van or Yohan to answer. She gently shook his arm.

''Is Baek really dead?''

''He is gone.''

Gone wasn't dead. Did something go wrong after all? What happened after she fainted?
Van sat down on the bed next to her and took her hand from his arm, wrapping his around hers with a small smile.

''We won, don't worry.''

Like she didn't believe him her eyes searched Yohan's for support but she only found the same calmness in them. So her dream wasn't a memory after all. It was only a nightmare. A nightmare from a scenario she feared the most. Yohan was fine and so was Van. They survived, they made it through, no one died. No one got hurt. The tears that were now forming in her eyes and slowly ran over her cheeks made her notice all the fears but also the happiness and relief she had bubbled up inside of her. Van's words sunk in more and more. But there was something else that slowly came back to her. She covered her mouth with her other hand to muffle her sniffles when she remembered that not all of them made it out alive.

''What happened to Gungtan?''
Only the name made Van's eyes get darker and he turned away a bit from her, though he still kept eye contact. Something just changed in them. Just like his voice when he spoke once more: ''He died.''

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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