Chapter 7

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She felt like she was floating, floating over the ocean on a raft. Her body felt light. It was like she was born anew, all the hardship from earlier, all the exhaustion were washed away. She had no idea what happened, the last thing Mi-Ho remembered were the strange lust demons in that tunnel and how she placed a hopefully stable barrier. She also remembered that the tunnel seemingly led them through the ocean. How was that possible? Mi-Ho tried to crack her eyes open but immediately closed them tightly again when she was greeted with a bright light. Out of reflex her hand reached up and covered her eyes when she tried to open them again. Now she knew at least where this feeling of weightlessness was coming from. She was indeed floating. When she looked down she saw her feet hanging in the air, clouds and water were underneath her and she feared that she would fall now that she woke up. But was she even awake or was she just imagining thing? 

Shakily and hesitantly she lifted her one leg and tried to feel some kind of ground with her toes. She did not see it but she could feel them touching something invisible, like a really thin glass plate that she could walk on. It was like she was walking in the air. She passed through clouds, some were above her some beneath her and she could see the waves of the ocean way down below. It almost felt like she was on a plane with an invisible ground. She took in the scene in front of her, right now she didn't care if it was her imagination or reality she actually enjoyed it. It was like she had no worries in that very moment before she heard a voice call out to her.

''Won Mi-Ho.''

It was a soft female voice that made her immediately turn around. Her hair wayed with her motion and fell loosely over her shoulders. She didn't need a second to recognize that bright smiling woman in front of her.


Mi-Ho have had only a few visions of Wonjeong before but none of them had been this clear before. She saw her in the passed down memories that always felt a bit blurry. And she met Wonjeong when she told her about the piece of marble that was inside Van and during that time she was like a ghost fading from time to time. But right now it was like she was actually alive, standing right in front of her.

She looked beautiful in that white dress that seemed to be glowing from the reflection of the sun.
''Wonjeong. How, I mean....''

Mi-Ho's eyes went wide when a horrible thought hit her. 

''Am I dead?''

The woman that looked like her reflection couldn't hold in her soft laugh and shook her head. 

''No, you're not. Don't worry.''

''Then I must be turning crazy.''

''You passed out after placing the barrier which gave me a chance to communicate with you through your unconsciousness.''

''Then why do you never appear in my dreams?''

''That's not how that works.''

Mi-Ho furrowed her brows and looked around once more.

''What is this place?''

Wonjeong took yet another step closer to her until the space between them was completely closed. She reached down and took both Mi-Ho's hands in hers.

''Listen Mi-Ho. I don't have much time.''

''What is it?''

Why was she so serious all of a sudden. Why was she able to get into contact with her now of all times? 

''My consciousness is slowly fading from within you.''

Mi-Ho startled a bit when she suddenly felt one of Wonjeong's hands on her scar.

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