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After carefully climbing down the stairs, Luna finally reached the kitchen. Each step she took on the cold stone floor echoed in the emptiness of the early morning, she quickly closed the door behind her, and approached the center of the kitchen, where a large square of bricks stood. A little hole in the center of the square was carved so that wood could be put inside. Luna looked inside, grabbed a few logs and tossed them inside the hole.

Outside, the sun was starting to rise. She didn't have much time left before Father Heide and Myrthe would come down the stairs with their empty stomachs. Luna shivered a little as she struggled to carry a large cauldron filled with water over the foyer. When she finally managed to lift the pot high enough to hang it above the square, she sat down for a moment to catch her breath.

She took out the matchbox from her apron, lit up a single match and threw it into the hole. A thin line of back smoke started to rise from the small entrance, signaling that the fire had started. 

While waiting for the water to boil, Luna went to the pantry and took out the carrots, potatoes, cabbages, onions and sausages she was planning to use for the stew. She cut the vegetables in small pieces, tore the leaves of the cabbages and sliced the potatoes in two. When vapor started to escape from the cauldron, Luna quickly put the stew ingredients in the boiling water, before covering the stew with an iron lead.

It didn't take long before a savory smell filled the room. Finally finished with her most important task, Luna approached the foyer and warmed her hands near the flames that now licked the bottom of the chauldron. She glanced outside again, aside from the blue sky peckered with pink and orange clouds, she could see her reflection in the window's glass.

Dark circles wrapped around her gray eyes and contrasted with her pale skin. Luna caressed her cheek, the organ felt dry and rough to the touch, just like the old pages of the book she had read last night... Perhaps if she got some fresh air more often, her skin would be smoother, but she had no hope of getting rid of the signs of insomnia that had plagued her more frequently this month.

Just as she was looking at her hair, holding a dirty blond lock between her fingers, a face suddenly appeared on the other side of the glass, superposing itself on Luna's. The face was equally as pale as hers but with the subtle addition of wetness. Luna muffled a scream of surprise, as the figure muttered some words to her. Luna blinked a few times and took a few steps back. She instantly recognized her sister's face.

The startled woman ran towards the backdoor leading to the garden and opened it, letting the drenched Myrthe inside.

Her clothes were soaked and had been dirtied by mud. Her usually shiny curly hair was frizzy and embedded with dew droplets. Her lips and fingers were purple and trembling. In her shaky hands, Myrthe was firmly holding a woven basket covered by a plain cloth.

"S-sorry Luna" She stammered, "I-I forgot to take the k-keys with me."

"Shhh !" Luna put her finger on her mouth before murmuring " Come with me, quick ! Father has not left his bed yet."

Myrthe quickly followed behind her sister, and took off her soggy boots before stepping inside the warm kitchen. The sisters quickly moved towards the fire, where two little tabourets had been placed.

Luna looked at Myrthe's wet footprints evaporating from the pavement. "Warm your hands and feet, I will get you some food."

Myrthe nodded before grabbing the tabouret. She put the basket she was holding beside her, and lifted her legs up, so that her feet could get closer to the flames. She rubbed her reddened hands as a satisfied sigh escaped her lips.

NOCTURNE - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now