~I always be next to you, Güzide...~

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30 minutes ago;

Güzide left the place where her destroyed marriage appeared in front of her. After Burcu also went away and Tarik with Yeşim was left alone.
The woman was completely in a shock, the feelings just mixed in her. Anger, disappointment and hatred surrounded her.

Y: Murat, did you not want to give me any explanation? - said it with teary eyes and in an desperately voice.
M: Look Yeşim, it's true. She is my wife. -admitted him. Felt that he is in a stuck state and it would be meaningless if he say any false instead of the truth.
Y: And you just say it with such an easiness?! Are you aware of what did you do with our life?!
M: Look Yeşim, I love you and my daughter! I know that I followed a huge mistake, but I will explain you everything. I prove you..- wanted to convince Yeşim with every word what came to his mind, but it wasn't enough explanation to her.
Y: How could you do this to our daughter? You wanted to raise her up in this lie situation?! Go away, Murat! -shouted him and stepped to the door to open it to him. Both, anger and hatred played in her.

Murat looked at her again with convincing eyes, but it wasn't any meaning to her now. So, Murat also saw that the best way is go away now.
He went out of the house, while Yeşim sat down and remembered the event, the confidence of Güzide, she felt that this woman looked down her. After thought about how she lived in a lie. She didn't bear it, the hatred just raised in her. Finally, she made a decision and ran out of her house to have enough time reach Murat's car. A plan came to her mind, so because of it decided to follow Murat.

Murat came to his another home as Yeşim thought, the home which was opened in front of him more than 35 years.
He got out of his car and slowly steps went towards the door, while Yeşim also got out of the taxi and went in the house after Murat.

Present time:
Güzide pulled out of her hand from Sezai's with frightened eyes. They turned towards the deafening noise and a broken door appeared in front of them. The pieces of the glass was lying in the floor. The flower pot which caused the break knocked down opposite with Güzide's foot. Other side of the completely opened door stood a broken, poor woman, crying from the angriness and pain.

For this noise, the man, whose name was Tarik there, came inside the house and ran towards Yeşim, to prevent any hastily actions.

T: What are you doing here, Yeşim?! -grabbed her arm and after looked af Sezai, who stood next to his wife.

Y: I won't leave! So, this is your house which you lived your every day, hm? Oh, and can I see where did you sleep with your beloved wife, while I was with my daughter?!

Güzide didn't take it anymore. This woman just think about herself, didn't think about other's feelings and problems. She wasn't aware of the situation because of it wanted to finish these scandals. - Yeşim hanim, enough! How you dare to come into my house and break the door?! Where is your dignity?! We don't know each other, got into an incomprehensible situation. However, a woman like you or me didn't allow it herself to behave like this! I understand your desperately situation and accept this behaviour because of your daughter's whereabout, but leave my house immediately! -concluded with confidence, but huge tension on her, pointed to the door.

Yeşim just stood and listened her conclusion when suddenly glanced at the other side, where Sezai stood with lowering head, he clearly understand, that Güzide turned out everything.

Tarik wanted to pull her Yeşim by her hand to move away, but then the woman recognized Sezai. - You..-pointed at Sezai - you were who I met in the hospital! Did you also know about this situation!? -asked it with full of misunderstanding.

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