"Fuck, he's in a train full of civilians." Gaz mumbled, a frown appearing on his face.


"Victims. That tunnel's 500ft deep and 30 miles long." John rubbed his beard, as if he was thinking about something. I sighed in frustration and walked away from them a little, to light myself a cigarette. As I took the first long drag, I could feel a pair of eyes burning holes into my back, and I instantly knew who.

I turned my head to the side, Gaz, Soap and John were into the call, while Ghost was staring at me from behind his usual skull mask. I puffed out the smoke and arched a brow at him, he was flexing his hands in and out slowly, as if to calm his nerves.

That man was a mystery in person, I would've never understood him. This asshole was getting fed up over nothing, I should've been the one to be mad at him for acting this way towards me.

"Gather up, guys, we have to move. We'll take the service tunnel to stop Makarov." John turned to look at me, gesturing with a small nod that it was time to end things.


The SFO leader approached us as soon as we stepped out of the car, "Captain Price, at your service sir." He greeted him first with a nod and then at us.
"Right, I need half of your men with my lieutenant, the rest of you on me!" John pointed at me and Soap, and another few soldiers.

Perfect, just what I needed.

"Copy that, form up!"

We all gathered around John. I grabbed the rifle from my back and changed the mags quickly, before raising my gaze to listen carefully at the orders. "Alright, stay close —" His blue eyes fell on me, "follow my orders. Let's get on those door, yeah?"

I inhaled sharply and raised my chin – I was more than ready to face Makarov. Mostly my father, hoping he was here too so I could put a bullet in his fucking forehead. The only thought made the adrenaline rush through my veins, I felt so motivated and confident all of a sudden, just like old times.

John turned towards a door and me and Soap followed right behind him. I tightened the straps of my vest around my torso and checked my gear; I was fully prepared, now I had to collect myself and get this job done.

"Six to Watcher. We are on the X, going for Makarov." John reported through comms before stopping right in front of the door. He turned to us and took a deep breath, his body tensing up, "This bastard won't go down easy." Soap stated with a small scowl.

We have been chasing him for days, weeks, without any stop. John was the one who worked his ass the most and he deserved all the respect for being tough and never standing back. "Yeah, well neither will we, sunshines." He placed a hand over my head and the other one patted Soap's chest. "It's nice to have you back, Scylla."

Those words warmed my heart, for the first time a genuine smile formed on my lips, as a way to thank him for everything he did for us. "Come on."

Finally, he moved forward and pulled the armored door open, a gentle breeze brushing against us, making my hair fly to the back.

We walked inside the corridor with quick steps and reached the stairs to get to the lower level of the binaries. "SFO team in position." A train passed in full velocity, I had to cover my eyes to not let the strong wind get into them.

"Let's move." Soap nudged my shoulder, signaling me that the tunnel was now free. We got back on our steps and ran aside the binaries, "Watcher – if Makarov's controlling trains, can we regain access?" John asked through comms.

"Attempting to breach their firewall. That hacker was good."

"Shit, Konni spotted ahead." I reported when I noticed a figure lurking in the dark. "They don't see us." Soap muttered and pulled me to the side, towards the service sidewalk. "Let's keep it that way, yeah?" John added and followed right beside me.

As I entered the corridor, a Konni walked out right in front of me. Alarmed, I grabbed a knife from my belt and threw it right on his neck, the blade digging into his flesh. With a pained grunt, the man fell on his knees and collapsed on the ground. "Nice fucking shot, Scylla." Soap whispered and entered in a room to check for other enemies.

I pushed ahead and found another few soldiers, "Contact!" I reported before firing at two of them, while the other one got taken down by John. "Six to Watcher, train tunnel is clear. Advancing to Crossover."

We pushed forward into another corridor filled with tubes, steam fuming out from some holes. "All Bravo– This is 0-7, taking effective fire. Konni has hostages." Ghost's deep voice oozed from the comms and my eyebrows furrowed, I could hear a damn battlefield from the other line.

"Secure them, seven." I retorted with a firm tone before moving ahead, only to find bloody corpses laying on the ground, blood splattered everywhere.
Back again, I could feel my stomach turning, my throat closing up, the smell of blood was awful.

"Watcher, we're seeing dead civilians." John reported the current situation, my face scrunched up in disgust.

"They may be the first of many, Bravo, unless we stop Makarov." Laswell replied.

We followed the trail of blood, encountering other corpses of tunnel workers, "Please, let us go!" A man cried out from afar and I increased my pace, climbing down the stairs and reaching a door. I could hear muffled voices coming from inside, it seemed like hostages were inside with other Konnis.

"Watch your fire." John told me and stood next to me, waiting for me to open the door.

Sea of Temptation ; Simon Riley.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora