𝓲𝓲. THE WINNER IS . . .

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"That's it!" Bolin smiled and pumped his first into the air while Karina giggled at his antics.

Bolin turned to Karina, a smug smile on his face, "Looks like I might be a better water bender than you."

Karina snorted, "You keep telling yourself that." She joked crossing her arms across her chest.

Bolin scoffed, "Oh I wi-" Bolin was interrupted by the radio unexpectedly switching stations and an unexpected voice speaking, the voice sending chills through the teens in the room.

"Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon." Karina and Bolin made their way over to Mako and Korra, who were crowded around the radio. She sent an uneasy look to Bolin, feeling nervous for what he had to say. "I hope you all enjoyed last night's Pro-bending match, because it will be the last."

"It's time for this city to stop worshiping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the Council to shut down the bending Arena and cancel the finals, or else there will be severe consequences." Pabu jumped away from the radio and into Karina's hands, she hugged Pabu tightly to her.

"That guy's got some nerve!" Bolin spoke, an angry look on his face.

"You think the Council will give in?" Mako asked, a frown present on his face.

Korra shrugged, but moved to start taking off her training gear, "I'm not waiting to find out. We need to get to City Hall."

Karina looked to the three with an uneasy feeling, she didn't like where this was headed.


Korra burst through the door where the council meeting was being held, the three teens hot on her trail, although Karina was weary about the situation she would always support Korra. Tenzin almost immediately stood up, sighing, "Korra, you shouldn't be here. This is a closed meeting."

Korra wouldn't leave until she was heard, "As the Avatar, and a Pro-bending player, I have a right to be heard. You can't cancel the finals."

Tenzin shook his head as the four teens finally made it to the front of the room, "I know winning the Championship means a lot to you, but as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the Arena down."

Karina bit her lip and looked away, she agreed with her uncle. She knew Amon was smarter than what they gave him credit for and she believed he would make a move if they kept the arena open.

Korra shook her head frustratedly, "What about the rest of you? Tarrlok, there's no way you're backing down from Amon, right?" Korra spoke hopefully. Tarrlok shook his head.

"Actually, Tenzin and I agree, for once." Tarrlok spoke standing up, Karina grew even more uneasy as she glanced at Tarrlok. He had a glint in his eyes that made her think he was up to no good.

"The Council is unanimous. We're closing the Arena." Tenzin spoke, Korra, Mako, and Bolin began to argue.


"You can't!"

"I don't understand. I thought you of all people would take a stand against Amon." Korra spoke confused, Tarrlok shook his head.

"While I am still committed to bringing that lunatic to justice, I will not put innocent lives at stake, just so you and your friends can play a game."

"Pro-bending might only be a game to you, but think of what it means to the city." Mako spoke up, he moved around Korra to make his point as he spoke to Tarrlok, "Right now the Arena is the one place where benders and non-benders gather together in peace to watch benders . . ." Mako paused having trouble thinking of what to say next.

𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒, 𝗹𝗼𝗸Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum