Duel of the Fates [Alternative]

Start from the beginning

Maul was quick on his feet to avoid a decapitation attempted by (Y/N). The plasma within the tubes would spark with convulsiveness with each lightsaber strike connecting with one another. Eventually, one was able to temporarily blind (Y/N), which gave Maul the opportunity to slash (Y/N)'s right shoulder.

As the searing pain surged through him, the Padawan gritted his teeth against the sensation, his initial uncertainty giving way to a surge of aggression. With a fierce determination, he unleashed a small burst of Force lightning from his left hand, but his attack was swiftly countered by the Sith Lord. Redirecting the energy, the Sith aimed it at the Padawan's Master, momentarily incapacitating him with a stunned shock.

Kota plummeted to a lower catwalk, his descent mercifully halted before any serious harm could befall him. Engaged in a fierce duel, the Sith Lord unleashed ferocious strikes with the aggressive style of Form VII, Juyo. A wicked grin adorning his face as he clashed blades with the apprentice. With deadly precision, the two adversaries exchanged blows, but it was Maul's superior experience that ultimately sent (Y/N) hurtling over the edge, his grip on his lightsaber slipping away in the tumultuous struggle as he plummeted to a catwalk that was lower in elevation. 

(Y/N) was able to successfully break his fall, but at the cost of his right arm in which he tumbled on. He cried out in pain.

"Kota!" (Y/N)'s Master cried out, but before he could react, a sudden right hook struck his face, sending him staggering backward. Despite the blow, the elder Jedi Master managed to grapple with the Sith Lord, dragging him along as they tumbled onto a nearby catwalk at surface level. Kota would retaliate with his own hook straight into Maul's nose. 

Darth Maul growled as he stumbled backwards, which allowed enough time for Rahm Kota to recover back onto his feet. The two would then continue to duel towards the field generators with Kota on the backfoot and Maul on the offensive. 


"Gah! Kriff!" (Y/N) gritted his teeth against the searing pain of his broken arm, his lightsaber tantalizingly out of reach over the edge. Despite the agony, he summoned his resolve, channeling the Force to draw the hilt back into his functioning hand. With determination burning in his eyes, he ignored the pain, knowing his Master was in dire need. With a leap fueled by sheer willpower, he vaulted onto the higher platform where his Master and the Sith Lord clashed in combat.

Locked in a relentless duel amid the flashing laser grids, the combatants clashed with fervor until they were abruptly separated by a barrier. Recognizing the futility of breaking through, Kota deactivated his lightsaber, his expression resolute. Maul, consumed by rage, continued to slash at the impassable barrier to no avail, frustration etched across his features. Finally conceding to the impasse, he deactivated his double-bladed lightsaber, licking the blood that trickled from his now-broken nose.

Arriving at the edge of the grid, (Y/N) deactivated his lightsaber, his broken arm throbbing with pain. Though Kota masked his concern, he couldn't ignore the worry for his Padawan's safety. Meanwhile, Maul, sensing (Y/N)'s inner turmoil, grinned sadistically, his yellowed teeth bared. With the barrier down, Maul wasted no time, launching a vicious force push toward the young Jedi.

As the Sith Lord's relentless assault threatened to overpower him, the Jedi Master found himself perilously close to the edge of the reactor shaft. With a swift maneuver, Kota countered the momentum, igniting his lightsaber and driving it into the ground, halting his slide toward the yawning abyss.

In an instant, the Sith Lord transformed into a cyclone of lethal intent, hurtling towards Kota. The Jedi Master deftly intercepted the assault, their clash echoing in the tight quarters. Seeking to reunite with their Master, (Y/N) tapped into the Force, empowering their limbs with a surge of energy, striving for the elusive swiftness of Force Speed. However, Maul sensed him in time to avoid, yet another lightsaber strike. Despite, only using one arm, (Y/N) remained a threat.

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