Twin Suns, Chosen One!

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(Y/N)'s POV

On the dry, gritty wasteland of Tatooine, you will never find anymore wretched scum and villainy. However, I didn't see it that way entirely. If you wanted to pick a fight with someone, you would do just that. It was a change of scenery along with the diversification from many passengers that have come to set up shop, rest, or prepare for their next shuttle.

The Mos Espa Spaceport was a prime example of this. In the northwest or east-ish of Anchorhead, this community is by far the least in hospitality. Although, it wasn't too bad. The sweltering heat of the binary suns, threatened to scorch my robes and burn my skin. Jar Jar looked worse than I did, it seemed he was going to evaporate. Considering, his people spent the majority of their time underwater and not in dry conditions with little moisture.

The handmaiden of the Queen, which I've learned was dubbed Padme seemed to have a keen interest, but kept a watchful eye. Qui-Gon was our tour guide and he seemed to do a great job at keeping his guests occupied. For the most part, anyway.

Qui-Gon: "Moisture farms, for the most part. Some indigenous tribes and scavengers. The few spaceports like this one are havens for those that don't wish to be found."

I arched an eyebrow, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "Like common criminals? Lawbreakers?" he retorted dryly.

Qui-Gon: "That exactly, (Y/N)." Responding to my comment without picking up the hint of sarcasm I've left behind.

We took a right into an avenue, along the lines from behind me, I heard Jar Jar say in a worried tone, "Dissen berry, berry bad." Following with a sloshing sound. I can only assume he accidentally stepped on some bantha poodoo along the main road.

Jar Jar: "Oh! Icky icky goo!"

Eventually, the chattering of bystanders masked our presence as we succumbed into the sea of merchants, moisture farmers, and other townsfolk. After a short while, Qui-Gon stopped and looked around, but I couldn't help, but notice the large Dewback behind us. The creatures on this planet were surely a sight to behold.

Qui-Gon: "We'll try one of the smaller dealers." The Jedi Master said, turning his attention to a moderate-sized building that was on the left. I was dying to get out of the heat, so I didn't bother saying no.

When we entered the place, we were greeted by a blue-skinned alien with a distinctively large snout and a pair of leathery wings residing on its back. His eyes were large and bulbous, protruding from his face. His teeth seemed to jagged, along with his ears were elongated and pointed, and with a very short tail. He also seemed to be sporting a leather vest.

 He also seemed to be sporting a leather vest

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Watto: "Good day to you." The winged-fiend spoke in Huttese, coming to greet his latest customers who've stepped foot into his shop. He eyed us up and down, I made sure to keep my lightsaber hidden. I wouldn't liked to be bumped nor peaking the interest of the dealer. My entrepreneurship skills were not the best and I wasn't the greatest negotiator. "What do you need?" He said in a gruff tone. I've stood silently watching the creature buzz about as Qui-Gon spoke to him.

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