Chapter 57

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"Are you saying that the fae are real?" The suit and the Colonel were deadly serious, and Anna rolled her eyes in frustration. But it was on now. She was done with these fools.

"Clearly you weren't issued a sense of humor. Maybe you should see the quartermaster about that. Jerry, are you back there? We need a sense of humor up here." From behind the one-way glass, Jones suppressed his laughter with a snort. Jerry was the God of bureaucracy and just about every person in the military had prayed to that fuck head at least once.

"That's what you've been stuck babysitting?" One of Jones' guards asked quietly as they watched the exchange unseen.

"Not that she's wrong, that guy is a dick." The General added under his breath.

"Ha!" Jones gave a soft bark of amusement. "You should see her older siblings. This one's a veritable kitten." Then they quieted for a few seconds. Jones had gathered from the facial expressions on the other's faces and the way they grimaced at the interrogator they were watching that they did not like that man one little bit. He added thoughtfully before settling in to enjoy the show, "I should have told you guys to prepare popcorn for watching this. Snow Cone's gonna teach him what's up." In the room, the questioning continued.

"This is a serious matter, Miss Wattkins. It is a crime to lie to the government about or hide magical capabilities. The individual in the suit has gotten a hold of classified technology. You need to cooperate with us." No. She didn't need to cooperate with them. They were doing something illegal themselves and she wasn't going to give an inch now that she knew what was up. Not only were these guys dumb, but they were not the people who should have been doing this if it had been justified.

"Tells us about project Snow Cone!"

The young Elementalist leaned back in her chair, holding it suspended and rocking on the two rear legs with her feet braced against the table. Then she very deliberately and slowly, while looking the interrogator dead in the eyes, brought both her hands together. Her fingers laced together, and her palms rested against one another. Lastly, she bowed her head and closed her eyes gently.

Anna's face smoothed with serenity.

"What are you doing?" It was the suit asking. Anna could tell the two interrogators' voices apart and she opened one eye with a slight smirk. The Colonel looked slightly concerned, as he should have.

"Praying to my godfather." Her innocent reply was sweetly saccharine and confident. Despite her apparent confidence, the suit chuckled cockily.

"The AMD is too high for the Angels to see into the city." He looked around and gestured to the empty air. The lack of an immediate response from her prayers and the suit's words emboldened the Colonel.

"No one's coming. Please cooperate and answer the questions." No sooner had he spoken than the ceiling dissolved into light and an angelic voice echoed down from above.

"Anna, I'm kind of busy. Is this important? I thought you were safe already." There was a cacophony in the background. A multitude of voices arguing querulously. A sharp shrill female voice pierced the sound.

"Don't you run off. The boy is going to be our hero. The Greeks haven't had a hero in centuries." The protest was followed by a gusty sigh from Michael.

"You got one of the kids already. You can't just keep poaching heroes off of my warlock. She's not a crutch for you to limp your heroes through trials with." Well shit. There was stuff going on with her mom among the divine pantheons. As interesting as it sounded, Anna had to interrupt and get Michael's intervention.

"I'm in an interrogation room without a legal guardian, and I don't think the people who took me have told anyone important that they did it." Michael suddenly descended out of the glowing light in his heavenly armor. It was a white and gold version of the armor that Kyle had been wearing earlier, though Michael's was less technological-looking and more ancient. He positioned himself next to his goddaughter and glared menacingly at the men interrogating Anna.

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