The Candy Incident

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I wrote this for a Discord event. HUGE THANK YOU to sallowslove for gifting me what the incident is! You're the best! <3

Disclaimer: I don't own Aurélie Collins, she's the MC of my friend morelikeravenbore

The first time Tessa heard about something that everyone liked to call "The Candy Incident", was when she and her friend Aurélie were studying in their common room and Everett Clopton walked by with Amit Thakkar.
   Amit was trying to convince Everett to not do whatever the bespectacled guy wanted to do, but the latter just shrugged his shoulders. "Oh come on Amit, it wouldn't be nearly as bad as the Candy Incident."
   "Thank Merlin it wouldn't be. If that ever taught me anything, it's to never underestimate a Hufflepuff." Amit shook his head presumably at the memory of whatever the incident must've been.
   "It's just a small payback for- " The rest of Everett's words couldn't be heard anymore as the boys walked out of earshot.

"Candy incident? Did you hear that Aura?" Tessa looked over at her best friend, who was busy writing her Herbology essay on the proper use of different types of soil.
   "Hm? Yeah, I heard something similar the other day." The Ravenclaw set down her quill, seemingly satisfied with what she had written before looking up. "Some portraits were laughing about it near the Grand Staircase."

Tessa scooted a little closer to the table they were sat at. "So do you know what it entails?"
Aurélie shook her head. "I do not. From what I could tell, whatever it was happened two years ago, right before you and I arrived at Hogwarts."
   "I wonder what Amit meant when he said to never underestimate a Hufflepuff." Tessa asked more to herself, but her friend answered her.
"Why don't you just ask him about it? I'm sure he'd be willing to share." She had a point. The boy had always been very helpful and kind whenever Tessa talked to him.

"Alright then, I'll go look for him." She was meaning to stand up, but Aurélie gave her a pointed look. "What?"
   "You're not going right now. You promised me you'd help me with Potions homework." Tessa attempted to give her best puppy eyes.
"Don't you use those eyes on me. You promised and I really want this over and done with. Professor Garlick is keeping me an empty potting table where I can grow whatever I like, so I'd like to meet with her as soon as I can."

With a sigh the ginger sat back down. "Alright, I guess I'll catch Amit later and ask then. Let's get started on Potions."

The second time she heard of the apparently infamous "Candy Incident" was during the Death Day party of the Grey Lady.
   Tessa wasn't invited per se, but she just loved watching the ghosts dance under (or above) the enchanting ghostly candles floating in the air.
   She made sure to stay far away from the rotting food that was served on a table on one side of the room. She found a place to sit right by a group of five ghosts who were laughing about something.

"I don't think I've laughed so hard since the "Candy Incident". That girl really did a number on that boy. Sir Nicholas swears to me he can still hear his high-pitched squeals echoing through the halls."
   That caused them all to laugh again and Tessa's curiosity was once again piqued. It reminded her that she had yet to ask Amit about it. A few days had passed since she heard him talk about it with Everett and she had simply forgotten about it.
   But now that the ghosts brought it up again, her curiosity was back.
Tessa stood up and walked over to the ghosts.

"Excuse me? I heard you talking about a Candy Incident?" She politely joined the group, not getting too close, but making it obvious she was there and wanting to know more. "Could you tell me what that is referring to?"
   The ghosts were looking at her with nothing less than disdain. A bit too late did Tessa realize she had never seen these ghosts in the school before. Maybe they came from outside? It wasn't unusual for the school-ghosts to invite guests outside the grounds to their Death Day party.

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