Chapter 13: Lady Kathrine

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              ~12th of September, Year 304 ACK~

Elliot looked at Lexton, his eyes in tears. "Y-your highness... Please run... away... forget me... Now... Let us enjoy... our morning coffee..." He said, before closing his eyes and dying. Lexton's eyes widened, and so did Andrew's. The king started crying, crawling towards Elliot and hugging him. "Elliot! ELLIOT! PLEASE WAKE UP! NO!" He yelled, crying harder. His soul was going trough pure pain, and he started having visions of Elliot smiling at him and pouring him coffee.

Lexton fell on the ground, crying and screaming. Marie appeared in his mind. "Stop being so sad! You don't need him! Stop! I'm here for you!" She said, but the king's pain did not ease. It kept increasing and increasing, his tears intensifying. "ELLIOT! ELLIOT, COME BACK! PLEASE! YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS!" He cried. Marie began filling his thoughts with pride and arrogance, trying to make him think Elliot was just a simple tool and it was destiny, but to no avail. Lexton kept crying and crying. Suddenty, Marie felt a powerful pain as well, and orbs of blue light started ascending from her body. She yelled in pain, hissing and moving around in desperation to free herself from Lexton, who was crying and having a mental breakdown. 

The Palug made an awful screech which hurt Andrew's ears so bad he fell to the ground. Before long, Marie got out of Lexton's body, revealing her true form as a round orb of darkness with countless wings with ingrown fangs and three red eyes piercing the darkness. She started hissing and screaming, searching for the Sword of Nura to retrieve there. "Lady Kathrine, help me!" She called out to her god, but almost to no response. 

Orbs of white light appeared in the room. Marie quickly rushed towards the orbs of light. A graceful feminine voice boomed in the room. "You are safe now, my dear, dear Palug. Come, I will take you to your sword." The voice said. Marie was torn apart into particles of white light and dissapeared. Lexton kept crying and screaming.

Upon seeing him so broken and High Count Elliot dead, Andrew's hate was slowly replaced by sympathy. "I-I... what have I done?" He thought. Lexton looked up at him. "KILL ME TOO! FUCKING KILL ME AS WELL" He yelled. His eyes were no longer prideful and arrogant. Andrew's eyes widened, the hate induced by the Book of Ioana's Farm dissapearing, the lust slowly fading too. "What... what have I done? What..." He said.

Andrew walked up to Lexton and hugged him tight. "I can't believe I've done this... I... How could I..." He thought. Lexton cried in Andrew's arms. "I...I've hurt Lex... I had such hateful thought about him... about the boy I grew up with... and I love... I am... trully horrible..." He thought. 

"No." He said. Lexton's eyes widened. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I'll redeem myself." Andrew said, taking Lexton in his arms and running away trough the maze. "I will escape with you, and then we'll find something to do to atone for our sins." He said. He came across the fountain, pushing Lexton up the hole and onto the grass before ascending as well.

"Andrew... You don't have to do this... This is retribution for my sins..." Lexton said. Andrew taped his mouth with take. "Shut up." He said. The two travelled across Nuria Primas.

After the guards were defeated, the rest of the Six Doves stormed into the palace and looked around, seeing Andrew and Lexton dissapeared. The First Dove was livid. "He fucking betrayed us! That traitor! I will make sure to follow him until the end of my days and kill him!" She yelled.

             ~15th of September, Year 304 ACK~

Upon reaching Malice's Forest, Andrew and Lexton cut one of the trees and made a small rift for themselves. They put to sea, sailing towards the island in the middle of the ocean, Holy Narinaka. It was the holy kingdom that worshipped the gods and directed the worship of the gods amongst other kingdoms. The two reached Narinaka and became priests.

The Palugs of Evilness: Mantle of Pride [Prototype]Where stories live. Discover now