Chapter 5: Sateris waits in vain

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[Warning: To understand this chapter, you must know the story of the privious book, The Palugs of Evilness: Mantle of Lust. If you did not read it, go ahead and scroll trough it for a bit so you better understand who Sateris is and what the red diamond and the cloak in the basement have to do with anything.]                

                  ~4th of April, Year 304 ACK~

Andrew and his prime minister were in the throne room, chit-chatting about the king's childhood. "Did you know that, when you were very young, you always used to play in the basement?" The prime minister asked. Andrew shook his head. "I remember vague images of the basement, but I don't remember playing there." He said. The prime minister smiled. "We always had to get you out of there to get you to your private tutorings when you were a kid. You used to cry and say you love playing there." The prime minister said. Andrew nodded. "Now that you mention it, I don't remember going to the basement in a long time. I feel like I should explore." He said, and got up from the throne.

"I think I'm going to go right now. Wanna come with me?" He asked. The prime minister nodded. "Yes, let's go." He said. Andrew and his prime minister descended to the basement and walked trough it. They walked across the hallways of cells that his mother used to store peasants in and shivered. "Why so many cells?" Andrew asked. "It's a mistery. However, your mother used to walk these hallways a lot before you were born." The prime minister said.

Walking trough the basement, the two came across a large display room with golden glass displays. In one of the displays, there was a very beautiful cloak embroidered with red diamonds. "It's beautiful." Andrew said. Suddenly, a strange object shone from the corner of the room. Andrew went to go check, and, to his surprise, it was a diamond. He picked it up and his vision became blurry. "My child, how beautiful you are. I am Sateris Moldovan, the Palug of Lust. Please, reattach this diamond to my cloak. Your mother tore it apart and ruined it." An unknown voice spoke from the darkness. Andrew dropped the diamond. His head was bursting with a terrible headache, his pure thought replaced by lustful ones.

Suddenly, he fainted. The prime minister rushed up to him and carried him towards the palace's hospital quickly. Sateris could do nothing but growl in annoyance as he lost his prey. In a few minutes, Andrew awoke in the hospital. "Nghhh... what happened?" He asked. The prime minister gave him a glass of water. "You have fainted, your highness. Are you alright now?" He asked. Andrew nodded. "I guess I am. Also, have you heard the legend?" He asked. The prime minister shook his head. "What legend, my lord? I have not heard any urband legends lately." He said. "They say that, on the outskirts of Blăgești, in a small farm, there is a single book. It's said that book has the answer to all the questions in the world. I know it is foolish, but would it hurt to go there and see for myself?" Andrew said.

"Not all, my lord." The prime minister said. Andrew smiled and nodded. "Then, I will make some time to check it out. Thank you for brining me to the hospital." Andrew got up and walked to his chambers to sleep.

The Palugs of Evilness: Mantle of Pride [Prototype]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ