Takamasa Kujo's Big Mistake

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Today was the day of the SS Competition and everyone was preparing for the big day. Today fine was going up against Eden. But at after fine's first performance for the Competition Takamasa Kujo did something tragic... something that upsets Risa dearly...A threat of witnessing the same tragic moment that her mother did...

Risa: No!!!! *She drops to her knees*

Eichi: Risa!!! *He kneels down to her to help her up while glaring at Takamasa*

Tori: Is the vice-president okay? Please tell me she's okay!

Yuzuru: Let's go backstage in our fine's dressing room for now okay...

Eichi nods as he holds Risa in his arms and carries her to fine's dressing room. He still can't believe that Takamasa still threatens her and now it got a little too far.

In fine's dressing room...

Eichi: Risa...

Risa: *She sighs* I can't believe Takamasa had the nerve to do that...You don't really think I'll suffer the same fate my mother did do you?

Eichi: No of course not. *He pulls her in for a hug* You are a very strong person...and that's what I admire about you.

Tori: Yeah! You're the best vice-president Yumenosaki Academy could ever ask for! You're always so reliable and helpful!

Yuzuru: Young Master is right...You have such an extraordinary heart.

Wataru: Indeed! You are like an angel that guides people! An amazing person that everyone looks up to Risa~☆

Erina: No one could've gotten this far without your help...

Sandy: Yes! You're such an amazing girl Risa~☆

Eichi: *She smiles* You see how everyone admires you? You are an extraordinary girl Risa...As clear as a music note and sincere as a melody...You are the music that's been playing in my head ever since the first day we met...*He puts a hand on her cheek and brushes her hair out her face*

Risa: *She smiles feeling a sense of comfort from Eichi and her friends*

Wataru: My goodness! Was that a declaration of love Eichi?

Tori: It was! It was! I knew Eichi and Risa were meant to be together!

Eichi: *He smiles* I'm glad to have you as my love Risa...I know it's a little early for this...but we've been dating for months now and I want to ask you...After we graduate from Yumenosaki Academy...*He gets out a small box with a ring inside then goes down on one knee* Will you marry me?

Risa: *She gasps* Yes Eichi! Yes!

Eichi: *He smiles as he gets up and places then ring on her finger then they kiss*

Wataru, Sandy, Yuzuru, Tori and Erina all cheer for Eichi and Risa. When Eichi and Risa let go of the kiss, Risa now felt a sense of relief knowing that no matter what happens she will have him and her friends supporting her.

Eichi: Now we have a performance to do!

Risa, Wataru, Sandy, Tori, Yuzuru and Erina: Right!

Back out on stage, the audience cheered for fine and they started to sing Never Ending Symphonia. After they finished the song...

Eichi: *He pants a little* Thank you everyone for coming! We hope you all enjoyed our performance and make sure to vote for us!

Suddenly Takamasa Kujo cut the rope on a spotlight and made fall, but Risa saw it just time and it was about to fall on Eichi.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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