The Truth Behind Takamasa Kujo

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After class Risa went down to the student council room to submit her finished posters for the Joint Live Event when she saw that Eichi was talking with Hokoto's father Seiya Hidaka, her and Tenn's adopted father Takamasa Kujo and her, Tenn and Riku's real father Shun Nanase.

Risa stayed behind the door to listen to them...

Eichi: It says here on record that Risa and Tenn had been t taken away from their original family....Mr. Nanase is this true?

Shun: Sadly yes it is true....My two oldest children were taken away from me....

Seiya: I knew Risa and Tenn were taken....but I never knew who....

Takamasa stayed quiet

Eichi: (He keeps reading the records until he found something about Takamasa and then gasps) Mister Kujo?! You took them!

Takamasa: (He sighs) Yes I did....

Eichi: (He continued reading his record) It says the you are a famous Producer that seeks money and fame....So I'm assuming you took Risa and Tenn for just your own personal gain....

Takamasa: That is true...They are incredible idols...I was hoping to make them my own personal idols but they refused....

Eichi: Well...Of course they'd refuse!!!! You took them away from their own family!!!!

Shun: Give my children back to me!!!!

Seiya: This is your final warning Tsukumo....

Eichi: (He was then shocked when he found out that Takamasa had caused Risa, Tenn and Riku's mother to have a heart attack) You're such worthless Producer....

Takamasa: You wanna say that again President!!! I can say one thing though...Risa always admired you....I tried to stop her from doing so...but I kept her back!

Eichi: So you've been keeping her back from me?!

Takamasa: How could idols admire each other anyway?!

Eichi scowled at him, he couldn't believe that he used such reasoning on her.

Eichi: Of course idols can admire each other! I admire many idols like you, her brothers Tenn, Riku and many more idols! But I can tell you the ones that Risa admires most are the members of fine including me!

Takamasa: An idol like her shouldn't be falling in love!!!

Eichi now felt uncomfortable and he was starting to get irritated not just by what he said but also how he said it as well. But what made him more disturbed was the fact that Takamasa telling him that he and Risa can't be together.

Eichi: Are you saying that because she's an idol she can't fall in love?

Takamasa: Yes! It's for the best! If she had fallen in love then her career and the group would have been ruined!

Eichi shook his head in disbelief: You did all of this because you didn't want her career to get ruined?!

Takamasa: Yes I did!

Eichi got up from his chair and walked up to Takamasa, getting right into his face, his anger was starting to get worse.

Eichi: That's it, this is getting out of hand! First you take away her and Tenn from their father just for your selfish desires, and now you kept her from falling in love with me?!

Risa was still by the door and got furious then she stepped in: HOW COULD YOU?! (She runs off)

Eichi, Takamasa, Shun and Seiya were so surprised at her sudden appearance and her reaction, Eichi quickly went to go after her along with Shun and Seiya started to follow behind him but Eichi was so quick that he caught Risa's hand as she tried to run away

Eichi:  Risa! You heard all that didn't you?

Risa: Y-yes....

Eichi: (He pulls her into him and hugs her tightly) You are mine...I won't let anyone or anything get in the way of our relationship...

Risa: Eichi... (She hugs him back crying)

Eichi: Shhhh....It's okay....I'm here for you okay.... (He kissed her forehead)

Shun: My dear daughter...You know you and Eichi are meant to be together...Takamasa just wanted you for himself...Please you won't be suffering from this anymore...

Risa: (She sniffs) Yes...Thank you...father...

Eichi: (He smiles as he puts his hands on her cheeks and wipes her tears away with his thumbs)

Seiya: Seems like Takamasa has left...

Shun: Don't worry we'll deal with and bring him to justice.

Eichi: Yes we will...Risa...I love you and never forget that...

Risa: I won't because I love you too...Eichi...

Eichi and Risa both then kiss

Ensemble Stars X Idolish7: Risa Kujo's Backstory Where stories live. Discover now