Crimson flow (part 1)

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I'm posting two chapters today because they are meant to be read one right after the other — that way you'll get the intended emotional intensity (hopefully ;) I added some instrumental music, and even if you don't usually care about soundtracks, I HIGHLY recommend you at least put it on while reading the second chapter.

also, since Wattpad is robbing us of private messages, I'm gonna return to Tumblr, so feel free to reach out, I'd love to chat. and thank you so so much for 1,4K likes!

and now, here comes the ultimate heartbreak ♡

warnings: violence (fighting, descriptions of injuries, mentions of blood), angst, angst... did I mention angst?

She wakes up hollow, the emptiness eating away what's left of her

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She wakes up hollow, the emptiness eating away what's left of her. Lia shudders at the feeling. And then she pours the anger back in. Pain is tiring, and remorse is unhelpful, but anger is the most familiar. It spills into her blood as she gets out of bed, it is ensconced in her by the time she's all dressed up. Her clothes are freshly washed and blue-black, her long hair braided, her blade trenchant.

She can already hear footsteps rushing and voices swelling, the castle busying away in preparation for the tourney. She courtly asks Marissa to bring her some food. It's just a ply to get the maid out of the room so Lia can get her few belongings — the green dress that reminds her of her losses, the sword she was gifted in reminder of her win. A handful of coins she's got left clink at the bottom of her bag when she grabs it and takes one last look at the palatial chambers. She feels out of place again, just like she was the first day she came here. Just like she's been her whole life, wherever she went. But she shoves that thought away, and Marissa reads nothing from her face when she brings the breakfast in.

Lia eats everything up to the last bite. She knows she'll need her strength and she doesn't know when she will get to eat again. Her focus wavers only as she stands up to leave, and Marissa asks when to expect her back. Lia would rather do without another lie — and she can't tell the truth. So she gives the maid the same empty promise she gave Aegon about the dinner. But when she is already at the door, she can't help but thank Marissa for the help — and Lia puts all her gratitude in these words, way more than she can actually say without giving away her cruel intentions. And then she hurries off before her couthiness can put the maid into suspicion. And before Daemon's yesterday's suspicions can encourage him to show up.

As she heads out of the castle, she finds herself thinking of him, involuntarily and inevitably. She used to blame her temper on him like it was the bane of her existence. This is the first time when she doesn't; instead, she accepts it fully. She is angry because of her father — but she is also resilient, and unforgiving, and fueled with fire because of him. Without all that, she would've been someone else entirely — and way weaker. Mayhaps, it's anger that has kept her alive. So she won't regret being Daemon's daughter just this once.

Up above her is the clear morning sky, the pale blue venue for the sun to shine at, but her thoughts are with the venue that awaits her on the ground. Her need for armor is obvious and easily explained — it grants cover, protection, and disguise. The latter is crucial: she must hide her face and she counts on Knuckles being terribly surprised when he does see her. She hopes the few seconds of his stupor will be enough for her to slice his throat. She'll go to any lengths to see that happen. So Lia does the one thing she's never resorted to — she decides to rely on someone other than herself. The plan is simple: she will ride into the city and find Mysaria, who returned home as of last night (she found the castle to be quite uninviting, it appears). And then Lia will ask her for a favor the woman will certainly be happy to do. Although she is no fool to think the White Worm has any armor in her possession, she for sure knows where to find it fast.

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