The Story of Troy.

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Our story begins like any other, Humanity is at the brink of extinction.

Corruption and Greed of corporations have brought humanity to its last dying breath.

Many people cried out begging and pleading to these men and women of power to stop the madness and destruction of earth but it was to little success.

Maybe they didn't plead loud enough, maybe the people they were pleading too weren't actually the people in control, or maybe they simply, just didn't care.

Not all pleading fell upon deaf ears some tried to clean the oceans and rivers.

Some tried to clean the landfills and litter that blanketed the ground.

Some even tried launching non recyclable waste into space.

But it was not enough.

Now the fate of humanity would rest upon the shoulders of one man, a young and ambitious flight captain known as Troy.

Troy was not your average astronaut, his mother a leading robotics scientist at the institute of technology and his father a highly skilled air force pilot.

Though strict throughout his upbringing they had been ever so keen to pass down their knowledge and experience to their only son who they forever told was destined for great things and little did they know how great their son was soon to be.

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