8: no way.

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-Riley had made their way around the house, finally hearing a cough. That made them walk towards the room with a cough, seeing a young boy with red wings wrapped in bandages, bright blue eyes..but very sad ones, a red and white tee-shirt and brown shorts, and next to him a tall woman with long dark brown hair, a veil over her face that was connected to a hat, huge black wings and a long black dress-

-Riley walked into the room unnoticed, they walked upto Tommy with their head tilted, but Kristen seeing them she screamed-


-grabbing the rest of the houses attention and Tommys, startling Riley to the ground making them squeal-

-Fundy quickly ran to Tommys room, following behind him was Will, and behind him Phil, and Techno ran in aswell-

-Kristen was standing over the little kid, While Tommy had gotten on the ground to look at them, they had backed up to the wall in fear of the tall woman-

-Fundy bolted over to Riley, Quickly grabbing them and standing up infront of Kristen-

"× im-im so sorry Kristen-×"

-Tommy had stood up with Fundy and was looking at Riley with confusion-

"÷Wh-what?! Fundy?! What are you doing here?!÷"

"×I'm here to check on Tommy- I promise i didn't mean for them to get lose..let alone scare you, I truly am sorry!×"

-Fundy spoke fast and worried with Kristen's reaction-


";I'm sorry Kristen..we should talk..outside. ;"


-Kristen left the room, she let out a sigh worried, Phil and Will followed behind, Fundy put Riley down-

"×don't hurt him okay?×"

-he said to Riley before leaving and following the other adults-

-Riley and Tommy returned confused looks towards eachother-

-Tommy smiled softly and waved-

"◇hey..who are you?◇"


"◇uhm..Tommy is what people keep calling me..◇"


-Riley asked softly, and Tommy nodded, in doing so Tommy walked towards Riley and Riley walked towards tommy, them embracing eachother in a hug..soonRileys hands started to glow..a soft purplish color, and soon Tommy remembered..-


"☆did help?☆"

-Riley pulled away from the hug, Tommy completely confused-

"◇y-yeah..how did you do that..?◇"

-Riley shrugged and pointed towards Tommys wings-

"☆i- can do for them too..☆"

-Tommy looked at Riley asking-

"◇u sure..? I was born like this..it's not cureable..◇"

"☆I try..?☆"

-Tommy nodded and unwrapped his wings, him letting out a wince as they weren't healing correctly, feathers had started falling out-

-Tommy crawled onto his bed and patted it, asking Riley to join-

-Riley got onto the bed and sat behind Tommy, they held onto Tommys wings, making him wince-

-after 30 or so seconds they didn't sting anymore..baby feathers slowly started to come out of his wings.. Tommy was in shock-

-Tommy turned around and hugged Riley pulling them against the bed and cuddling them, this scared Riley but they accepted the cuddles-

-soon enough Tommy had fallen asleep and Riley was well on their way, Tommy had his head above Rileys and Rileys head was near Tommys chest, and they fell asleep like that-

>after 4 hours or so<

-everyone had calmed down, Fundy walked to Tommys room to get Riley but once he opened the door he was surprised, Tommys wings were covering Riley..his wings were pretty bug for a 8 year old..he was completely in shock-

-Kristen followed behind Fundy and questioned why he stopped then she looked at Tommy..she was shocked but then tears came falling down her face..a soft quiver emitted from her mouth-

"÷no way..h-his wings..÷"

-that grabbed the other threes attention, they all gathered around the door and all in shock they just stared-

Fundy walked in and went to wake Tommy up, once doing so Tommy looked at Fundy


"×yeah..I'm here for Riley..×"

-Tommy let go of riley and turned around going back to sleep-

-Fundy picked up Riley and went to the door..and whispered to Phil-

"×told you..×"

-Fundy walked away from Phil and ended at the edge of the Island, he ended up calling for Will, and Will left to get Fundy and take him home-

-Will walked to Fundy picking him up and jumped and started flying, he made his way to the cabin-

-Will made it to the cabin and landed infront of the door-

-He put Fundy down and sighed he was still tired and getting yelled at by his father, mother, and brother, who just annoyed him, so he just walked into the cabin and went to the couch and laid back down, he was so done at this poiny-

-Fundy sighed cause he felt bad. He closed the door and walked off to the forest. He decided it's best to leave Will alone for now-

[♡ heyo, I'm getting bored shook I'm gonna end this episode here, also sorry this episode is kinda shit idk what happened, writers block ig ig :/ ♡]

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