Chapter 1

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"So guys. How was the exam?" Miko asked us as we gathered at her locker.

"Terrible," Jack sighed.

"I know, right! Like, I forgot that the equation of a line is y = mx+ C!" Miko grumbled. I put down my heavy backpack against the locker as we waited for Raf to finish with his consultation with his teacher.

We had a big math exam earlier today and the four of us spend a lot of time the past few days studying together. And that meant we didn't go back to base for a few days.

Oh right, our base. Well, since the Decepticons found the location of our previous base and the cave we stayed in, Agent Fowler managed to pull a few strings and we managed to secure a new base.

To our surprise, some of the other giant rock formations surrounding our old base were also military silos and Agent Fowler relocated us there. We were cautious when we transfered all the equipment there. It was difficult, but the bots managed to do it in one week, thanks to Bulkhead's construction skills.

It wasn't the same as our previous base, but the main important parts were there, such as space for the groundbridge, and many vaults to store Iacon relics.

Optimus has been continuing to decode the Iacon coordinates as there are plenty of them, apparently.

Ratchet was pretty happy that we weren't around to bother him for long. But we'll be back soon, and Miko is planning on annoying the scrap out of him.

But despite him displaying his hatred emotions towards us, we knew that he still cared, he just had a different way of showing it.

So yeah, back to the present. Luckily, our Math exam was the last exam and our three months of holidays start next week, much to Ratchet's dismay.

Unfortunately, since Jack and I had missed quite a bit of school during our capture, we had to make up for it by attending two weeks of summer school. Not what we were looking forward to, but I guess it is better than being captured by cons.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" Raf shouted, running towards us.

"No worries, Raf! We were just discussing our math exam," Miko replied, rolling her eyes. "I still can't believe I forgot that equation!"

"Tell me about it," Jack said, shaking his head. "I'm just glad it's over. And we've got three months of freedom ahead of us!"

Minus two weeks of summer school for us I added, nudging Jack.

Raf nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, that's a bummer. But hey, at least we've got our new base to hang out at. I'm sure Bulkhead's eager to show off his handiwork."

Miko grinned mischievously. "And I'm sure Ratchet's eager to get rid of us. Again."

We all chuckled, knowing that our dynamic with Ratchet was... complicated. But we also knew that beneath his gruff exterior, he cared about us deeply.

As we chatted, I couldn't help but think about the Iacon coordinates that Optimus was working on. What secrets would they reveal? And what new adventures awaited us?

"Hey, guys? Let's make a pact to make the most of our holidays," Miko suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "No more Decepticon drama, just fun and games!"
We all high-fived, eager to put our recent ordeal behind us and enjoy some well-deserved downtime.

"Agreed!" Jack said, grinning. "No more Decepticons, no more exams... just fun!"
Raf nodded enthusiastically. "And we can finally explore our new base properly. I heard Bulkhead built some sweet new training facilities."

Miko's eyes lit up. "Ooh, can we check it out now? Please?"

I chuckled. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. We still have to survive summer school, remember?

The others groaned good-naturedly, and we continued to chat and make plans for our holiday adventures.

As we stood there, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my friends and our unique situation. Who else got to hang out with giant robots and go on adventures?

Just then, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out, expecting a text from my mom or maybe a reminder about summer school. But instead, I saw a message from an unknown number:
"Meet me at the old clock tower at 4pm. Come alone."

My heart skipped a beat. Who was this, and what did they want with me?

I showed the message to the others, and their expressions turned serious. "Don't go," Jack advised. "It could be a trap."
But I had a feeling this was something important.

I'll go, but I'll be careful I signed, trying to sound braver than I felt.

Miko nodded. "We'll be on standby, just in case."

Raf pulled out his phone. "I'll try to trace the number, see if we can find out who sent it."

Jack frowned. "I don't like it. It feels like a Decepticon trick.

"You sound like Arcee," Miko huffed.

I took a deep breath, took out my notebook and started writing. I'll be fine. I'll meet you guys at the base later and fill you in on what happens.

With that, we parted ways, each of us heading to our next destination. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something big was about to happen.

As I walked to the old clock tower, I couldn't help but think about all the possibilities.

Who could be behind the mysterious message? And what did they want with me?

I arrived at the clock tower at 3:55 pm, my heart racing with anticipation. The tower stood tall and silent, its ancient clock face staring down at me like an unblinking eye.
I took a deep breath and walked inside...


A/N: first chapter: completed!

Sorry for a short chapter, but I promise I'll make it longer soon.

Can't believe we made it to the second book already!

And yes, I know. Another cliffhanger.

Hey, don't blame me! Cliffhangers keep readers on the edge. I love and hate cliffhangers. Hey, but at least I'll be publishing the next chapter soon!

Thanks for still staying with me though, really appreciate it. See you guys in the next chapter :)


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