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Waiting.... Waiting..... and waiting

It's been an hour since five and Ben gotten in a fight and am starting to get worried. I haven't been eating since the last hour and I was starting to get dizzy. I then saw viktor and Klaus come in my room.

"Hey guys" I say
"Woah you look very pale" viktor said
"Have you been eating" Klaus said
"No am just nervous about five and Ben's fight" I said
"Well we just helped five but he said he wanted to fight him" Klaus said
"You need food" viktor said
"Klaus go get fruit" viktor demanded
"Ugh" Klaus left

"So how have you been holding up?" Viktor said
"Okay better" I said, a nurse came in "oh sorry I didn't know you had visitors" the nurse said "it's fine" viktor said "well I just came in here to said that you can leave you are stable just eat something and drink lots of water" then the nurse left

"Finally!" I said. Klaus came in the room "I brought a big fruit plate".

"Good" I said . I was very hungry

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