Classification of Cosmic Civilizations (Preface)

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In 1964, Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev proposed a classification of extraterrestrial civilizations known as the Kardashev Scale.

He divided civilizations that may exist in the universe into three levels:

Type I Civilization: This civilization harnesses the energy of its planet, meaning they can dominate the total energy of their planet and its surrounding satellites.

Type II Civilization: This civilization can harness the energy of an entire star system.

Type III Civilization: This civilization can utilize the energy of one or more galaxies for its use.

Unfortunately, to date, we haven't even reached the level of a Type I civilization. We are only at a 0.73 level of civilization, highlighting our insignificance in the vast universe.

As early as the 1960s, physicist Freeman Dyson proposed the concept of a "Dyson Sphere," a huge spherical structure built around a star (such as the Sun) to maximize the collection of its energy.

According to observations from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), astronomers have discovered stars shrouded in cosmic dust clouds.

In the 1970s, astronomers conducted a survey of 250,000 celestial bodies across the entire sky and found 17 celestial bodies resembling Dyson Sphere-like structures.

According to Richard Carrigan, a scientist at Fermilab, "We can imagine that supercivilizations in the universe would first colonize their planetary systems and maximize the energy they obtain from stars."

Another classification (detailed classification):

Type I Civilization: At this level, the civilization's mastery of science and technology allows them to completely control all available resources and everything on their planet. They are the absolute rulers of their planet, able to control weather, rivers, land, other organisms, oceans, and even changes in the crust's material, at will.

Type II Civilization: They can fully utilize the energy emanating from their star (such as the Sun) and have complete control over their solar system. They can freely inhabit and travel across the various planets in the solar system without worrying about energy issues, as they know how to efficiently utilize the infinite energy emitted by the star. Their society has advanced to a highly developed state, with development trending at a rapid pace.

Type III Civilization: They are not limited to their solar system but encompass their entire galaxy, such as our Milky Way. They can harness the energy of all stars in the galaxy.

Possible causes of destruction for each civilization level:

Level 0: Natural disasters, diseases, war, resource depletion.

Level 0+: Extreme weather disasters, nuclear war, super-geological activity, super-volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes, meteorite impacts.

Level 1: Asteroid or comet collisions, artificial intelligence crises, solar activity fusion.

Level 1+: Artificial intelligence rebellion, solar aging and expansion explosion, imminent supernova eruption.

Level 2: Interstellar warfare, imminent super-high-energy celestial body eruption.

Level 2+: Galaxy collision.

Level 3: Cosmic explosion.

Level 3+: Dissipation of consciousness. (Here it is worth mentioning a person, the famous Japanese astronomer and comet explorer "Kiuchi Takanobu", a standard scientist and atheist. After experiencing three "near-death experiences" in his lifetime, he proposed an almost crazy idea - the universe is a consciousness! Everyone is separated from this huge consciousness, that is: birth. After death, they return to this huge consciousness, that is: death.) Note: The authenticity remains to be verified.

In recent years, scientists have discovered several unusual radiation spots in the gamma-ray map of Mars. Through detection, they found that they are clusters of nuclear explosion remnants about 180 million years ago, which are not ordinary radioactive substances, but highly radioactive nuclear materials such as uranium, thorium, and plutonium.

According to the hypothesis of Russian space orbit researchers "John Brandenburg": about 180 million years ago, a large-scale nuclear explosion occurred on Mars, with astonishing power, equivalent to one million 10-megaton hydrogen bombs, enough to destroy all life and structures on the surface of Mars!

The location of this nuclear explosion was in the Arsia Mons region in the northern part of Mars, where high-intensity nuclear radiation can still be detected to this day. Even more astonishingly, some scientists speculate that this nuclear explosion should have been launched from outside Mars (the universe).

From this, we can speculate: Who launched the nuclear bomb at Mars 180 million years ago? And why did they want to destroy Mars?

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