Chapter 17

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Dr. Tenma handed the Blue Core to President Stone, who greedily accepted it. He squeezed it and leaned in close to Tenma.

"Good man," he said. "When I'm reelected, you can have the funding to make as many little toys as you want."

Dr. Tenma's heart was heavy-and then something clicked inside him. As Stone turned to walk away, he grabbed the hand holding the Blue Core.

"No!" Dr. Tenma cried.

The soldiers all turned their guns on him. He didn't flinch.

"You'll have to kill me, then," he said.

President Stone tried to yank away from Tenma's grasp. The Blue Core dropped and Dr. Elefun dove in, catching it. He turned to his friend, pleading.

"Tenma, no!" he said. "I created the Core. They're going to have to kill me."

The soldiers listened, turning their guns on Elefun now.

"I think Metro City can learn to cope without you," Stone said dryly. "Hand it over."

Dr. Elefun opened one hand. It was empty. He opened the other. That was empty, too.

President Stone realized something was wrong.

" Tenma ... "

The scientists had fooled him. Dr. Tenma had secretly taken the core from Dr. Elefun. Now Tenma was back at the table with Astro's body. He had lowered a protective shield around them.

Furious, the president pounded on the glass.

"Tenma! Open this. OPEN IT!"

Dr. Tenma pulled the Blue Core from his coat. Stone's face flushed with anger.

"TENMA!" he screamed.

Dr. Tenma put the Blue Core back into Astro's chest. He looked up at the hologram monitors for any signs of life.

President Stone pointed a gun at Dr. Elefun. "Open that door."

"Never," Elefun said firmly.

"I said open the door-now," the president ordered.

He pressed the gun into Elefun's chest. It hit something hard. Stone pushed Elefun's lab coat aside to reveal the scientist's security key card. He yanked it off of Elefun's neck.

"If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself," Stone said.

On the other side of the shield, the hologram screen started to show the thump, thump, thump of Astro's pulse. Tears of joy welled up in Tenma's eyes.

Astro was alive again!

Astro opened his eyes. "Dad, what are you doing?"

Before Tenma could reply, the shield came up. President Stone and the soldiers advanced toward them.

"Listen," Dr. Tenma told Astro. "You may not be Toby, but you're still my son."

Astro was overcome with happiness. "Thanks-Dad."

Tenma and Astro hugged.

"Hold it!" President Stone barked.

"Now! Fly!" Dr. Tenma urged Astro.

The soldiers lunged. Astro's jets powered up, and he flew across the lab. He crashed right through the window, flying outside. The window shattered into millions of tiny pieces.

"Woo-hoo!" Dr. Elefun cheered.

General Heckler found himself cheering, too. "Yes!"

"Good man, Tenma!" Dr. Elefun cried happily.

President Stone was outraged. "No!" he yelled at General Heckler. "Arrest them immediately! I want them shot for treason."

He stormed over to the Peacekeeper.

"We're going to have to use the Peacekeeper to get the Blue Core back," he said.

"Don't use the Red Core-the negative energy," Dr. Elefun begged. "We don't know how it'll behave."

"Doctor, in any conflict between positive and negative energy, the negative always prevails," the president said. "Look at human history. Look at me!"

"My point exactly," Elefun muttered.

Stone grabbed one of the scientists in the room. She held the master controls for the Peacekeeper.

"Turn this thing on," he demanded.

"I won't," the scientist said firmly.

"I have fifty reporters waiting for me outside!" he fumed. "Turn it on!"

"You don't understand the technology," Dr. Elefun said, wringing his hands.

"Ha! Technology! Who cares about it?" Stone fumed. "Who understands it? It's a robot. It'll do what I say!"

He grabbed the core with his bare hands and shoved it into the Peacekeeper's chest. The Peacekeeper came to life, its eyes glowing red.

"Red Core loaded," the Peacekeeper reported.

President Stone smiled, pleased. "You ready to do as you're told?" he asked. "You ready to rock and roll?"

"Sir!" the Peacekeeper replied, like a good soldier.

"Destroy the boy robot and bring back the Blue Core," President Stone commanded.

The Peacekeeper didn't move.

"What are you, deaf?" Stone asked angrily. "I told you to destroy the boy robot!"

The Peacekeeper descended on President Stone, absorbing the man into his steel body. The robot's eyes flashed red with anger. He spoke again-and this time, it was with the distorted, frightening voice of President Stone.

"Bring back the Blue Core!" he roared.

The scientists watched in horror. President Stone and the Peacekeeper had melded together. Their president was a terrifying, giant robot!

"Everybody out. Now!" Dr. Elefun yelled.

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