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It's A Love story Of A man who never believed in love and A girl who have a high expectation in Love. However,When he saw her,he fell in love with her but She hates him because of he is a cold,grumpy and rude guy. It is a love-hate relationship and forceful marriage. Will she ever fall for him or he will leave her?

Aaira Binte Anam Khan

Aaira is a girl of one of the royal family in the town. She is a girl with full of ambition. She is 25. By profession, she is a neurologist. She has a great interest in psychology. Her hobbies are reading books, sketching, designing, singing,etc. But she loves to play with children the most. Often when she get time, she always go to child orphanage and spend times with them.

Rayyan Jubayer Ahmed

Rayyan is a successful businessman and CEO of Ahmed Group Of Industries. He is 28. He is a cold hearted,passionate boy who don't like to lose any time. He has different kind of personality. He loves to read,write and to travel. He never mix his family and work. He maintains everything properly like a pro.

So, it was the introduction of the main leads of the story. Now, let's introduce to other characters of the story.

Aaira's Family

Anam Khan: Anam is the father of Aaira who is a businessman. He runs a company of fashion designing. He is a very gentle person who always behaves kindly with everybody.

Alisha Khan: Alisha is the mother of Aaira who is a housewife. She is very beautiful and kind to everyone. She loves cooking.

Areeb khan: Areeb is Aaira's one and only big brother and the eldest son of Anam Khan and Ayesha Khan. He is a successful businessman too and currently working with his father in their own company.

Faiza khan: Faiza khan is the wife of Areeb khan and sister-in-law (bhabi) of Aaira. She is also a doctor. A famous psychologist of the town. She loves reading, cooking, gardening and traveling.

Anwar Khan: Anwar is the uncle (cacha) of Aaira and Areeb. He is also a businessman who works at their own company.

Subaida Khan: She is the wife of Aaira's cacha(uncle) Anwar khan. She is a housewife.

Safa Binte Anwar khan: She is the daughter of Anwar and cousin of Aaira. She is younger then Aaira and the smallest member of khan family. She is currently studying in school.

So, this is the KHAN FAMILY. They live together in a joint family.

Now,let's move on to Ahmed Family.

Jubayer Ahmed

Jubayer is the father of Rayyan. He is now retired and gave all of his responsibilities to his eldest son Rayyan Jubayer Ahmed. He is a very kind and honest person who has done a lot of things and established a successful company in his life.

Sayra Ahmed

Sayra Ahmed is the mother of Rayyan. She is a housewife. A lovely mother who is very gentle and caring to everyone. She loves cooking, gardening and decorating.

Tanha Binte Jubayer Ahmed

Tanha is the youngest daughter of Jubayer and Sayra and lovely sister of Rayyan. She is currently studying in University. She loves reading fictional books and loves to know more about psychology.

Rafsan Ahmed

He is the cacha(uncle) of Rayyan. He is also retired. He is a very funny and gentle person.

Rubaiyat Ahmed

Rubaiyat is the wife of Rafsan who is a housewife. She loves gossip.

Raida Binte Rafsan Ahmed

Raida is the one and only daughter of Rafsan and Rubaiyat. She is studying in University now. After somedays her study will be completed.

So, that was AHMED FAMILY.

New Character (update):

Sarim Safiullah Rahman :

Sarim is the childhood best friend of Rayyan who knows every secret of Rayyan. Now Sarim and Rayyan are working together.

That's all for introduction part. I hope you all will like the story. This is my first story. If you all like it. Then keep support me.

Thanks All 🌸

-Happy Reading


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