Chapter 7: How to Train Your Sandworm - A Crash Course with Persephone Jackson

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               Alright folks! Hold onto your hats as we prepare for the semi-annual Arrakis Derby. I'm your host, Persephone Jackson and I have to say folks that I am stoked (and a little nauseous). Brace yourselves for the most spectacular event of your lifetime, never before seen in the history of the sport. Here we have Persephone Jackson, our daring young rookie, taking on the challenge of a lifetime as she prepares to mount a mighty sandworm of Arrakis! Let's take a gander at the event field. So far it's silent, with no worms up for a challenge. No movement has been spotted. What do you think Percy, do you think we'll have a challenger to take on our rookie?

It's hard to tell Percy, but it would be a major upset if we didn't. There has never been a failed calling of a sandworm in the history of the sport. And if Persephone doesn't call one, then it's an automatic loss for her.

Yes, it would be a very disappointing event. Hopefully, a challenger will appear soon. Speaking of! This just in, a behemoth of a worm has appeared on the horizon, ready to take on the rookie.

Look at that! This one is bigger than the one Persephone allegedly conquered a year ago, Percy!

You're right, Percy! Let's hope she can properly mount it and gain control! I have not been this excited since her last run, Percy!

Me too, Percy! Let's hope this one doesn't end with her in its mouth like it did the last time!

I agree, Percy!

In all seriousness, I felt like I was going to throw up from how nervous I was. But that would have been a waste of water. I waited with bated breath once I noticed the worm burst from the sand and charge in my direction. It was still on the other side of the valley, but from what I knew about the size of a sandworm was that it would be there in no time at all. I braced myself, preparing to run once it got there to mount it.

Slowly standing up as it approached, I deployed my hooks that would be used to catch the scales of the sandworm which would allow me to control it. It was 50 meters out now. 30 meters. 20 meters.

The sand of the dune was shifting from the vibrations and power of the worm. Then, it disappeared suddenly, but I recognized that trick from my first run-in with one of them. I assumed it was going for the thumper, intending to ambush it, until I felt the sand sink beneath my feet. Without thinking, I leaped to the side just in time, as the worm shot up from the ground beneath my feet. I barely missed its mouth as I took a nasty tumble down its back. Sorry for the close call, Stilgar.

Oooo! That was a nasty tumble taken by Persephone, isn't that right Percy?

That's right Percy! And that's a difficult maneuver to recover from! If she can't get her footing or hooking, she'll lose this round and maybe her life!

The thought roused my brain into overdrive as I used all of my effort to catch a scale with one of my hooks. It was much more difficult when I could no longer tell which way was up and which way was down. But my saving grace came in the form of the worm turning down to burrow again. As the trajectory of the worm flattened slightly before me, I managed to dig one of my hooks under the scale of the worm, pulling it up with my body weight. The worm ceased burrowing when it noticed the grating feeling of the sand in between its armor and its soft flesh.

The body of the worm beneath my feet leveled out and I was left lying on my back as the pressure of the wind and sand whipping by kept me planted flat. But I refused to give up.

It took all of my effort to flip myself over onto my stomach. I then took my other hook and attempted to throw it to the other side of the worm's scale (the same one my first hook was buried under). I missed the first time and the hook was sent flying toward the back of the worm. It continued to flap in the wind, as I cursed. I would have to sand up with only the one hook as an anchor and pray to the gods that it held. Or I could simply die.

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