Chapter 30 : Kalapradarshan

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The following morning, the azure skies of Hastinapur greeted me as the sunlight flooded my chamber, illuminating every corner. I readied myself for the day, meticulously sharpening my sword and securing my short hair. As I tightened my clothing.

I prepared for the competition that was to take place in the grand halls, filled with spectators from Hastinapur and neighboring kingdoms. Standing on the balcony overlooking Maharaj Dhritrashtra's throne, I noticed Maharanis Gandhari and another woman in white attire whom I had not encountered before.

Despite the weakness in her eyes, she wore a dignified smile on her pink lips. Her hair had turned white, and her longing to see her sons after all these years was as vibrant as a prism.

I felt my heart racing rapidly, the taste of sour bile in my mouth, overwhelmed by nervousness, my eyes stinging from tears, and the exhaustion of sleep deprivation making me lethargic.

Devpriya didi appeared next to me, looking rejuvenated and eager. Duryodhan informed her about the upcoming competitive fight that was scheduled to take place, as Guru Drona had made the decision to display the battle skills of his students in front of the entire aryavarth.

While surveying the surroundings, I noticed a palpable sense of excitement in the air; the residents, rulers, and ordinary people alike were eager to witness the abilities of their princes, as one of them would eventually ascend to the throne. The crowd was divided, with many chanting Duryodhan's name, drawn to his charisma, courage, and generosity. Meanwhile, some silently hoped that the Pandavas would emerge victorious in the end.

With a sudden moment the loud sound of sacred shell echoed all around the halls, as Arjun's name was being called. He came out shooting arrows slithering towards the crowd, and then just before they stuck the terrified viewers, he plucked them into the ground with eagle arrows. He then shot arrows that somehow turned into beautiful flowers turning down into the feet of his beloved guru.

Shining with pride, Gurudev claimed that these are the only minor weapons he has learned to use! The others are too powerful, sacred, to be called in serious battels. Ashwattama eyed Arjun as i saw the burning desire between him to have a fair fight with Arjuna. People hooted and hailed Arjun's name, Duryodhan who stood in the same balcony gritted his teeths badly on hearing Arjun's name louldy in the crowd.

Afterwards, the Pandavas and Kauravas took turns displaying their remarkable combat abilities. However, when Ashwattama called out Duryodhan's name, I scanned the area but couldn't find him anywhere. Devpriya didi also seemed perplexed by his absence. Feeling bewildered, I made my way towards the stairs while his name continued to be called out without any sign of him.

" just cannot cheat today, dont you get it." A deep voice caught my attention, leading me to investigate further. To my surprise, I found mamashri and Duryodhan engrossed in a fiery conversation.

"Duryodhan? What the hell? You are being called!" I said loudly.

"Oh, putri Nihira thankyou for your concern. He's already on his way."
I witnessed Duryodhan departing with a flicker of intensity in his gaze, casting a sidelong glance at his uncle before striding off.

The entire hall resounded with the reverberations of Duryodhan's name as he sprinted towards the center. Gripping a mace in his hands, he effortlessly twirled it as if it weighed nothing. Despite its weight of over fourteen kilograms, he lifted it with ease, skillfully maneuvering it through the air. With a single strike of his mace, the flooring beneath him cracked and gave way, causing a sudden tremor that I could feel from the balcony where I stood.

Devpriya didi appeared to be impressed by his display, her eyes sparkling as she remained fixated on him. Unable to contain myself, I couldn't help but smile at both of them. In that moment, my eyes met, and I found myself locked in a gaze with those  green orbs, of mamashri. He showed no interest in acknowledging Duryodhan, but instead, he forced a smile in my direction before redirecting his attention back to the hall.

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