Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"You don't need to answer to my boss for me, Mer. You're not a doctor right now." Andy jokes and then looks to Ross. "I promise I won't step in a firehouse before I'm fully healed."

"Good." Ross said and walked out.

Meredith, still with an amused smile on her lips turns to face Andy, an arm still wrapped around her, supporting her weight. "Let's get you home, sleepyhead." Meredith pauses. "Take two."

Meredith had gotten Andy to the car and driven her to her house instead of Andy's apartment. Deciding that Andy could stay in her guest room, and it would help knowing she wasn't alone and probably wouldn't have a moment alone since it was the weekend, and she knew that Amelia and Maggie were off and that her kids would be home.

Meredith turned to Andy, wanting to ask her something but when she saw Andy passed out, head against the glass she snapped her mouth shut. She was at a red light when she really looked at Andy, she saw the bruises already forming around the cut on her forehead near where she got cut and her heart clenched. She knew the injuries could've been worse, but she still knew how dangerous firefighting was. She realized now that Andy never got to change. She thought about how she should go to Andy's to pick up some clothes, but she figured some of hers or Amelia's clothes would fit her and continued the drive to her house when the light turned green.

When Meredith got to her house she drove up and saw that Andy was still asleep she opened her door and walked around to the passenger side after grabbing Andy's bag. She was careful to make sure Andy wouldn't fall over and when she did open the door she had woken Andy up.

"Huh?" Andy looked around, wondering what was going on.

"Shh. Andy we're at my house, I figured it'd be easier to bring you here since I work the next couple of days, but Amelia and Mags are home, so I figured they'd be able to watch you." Meredith told her while helping her out of the car. Andy just nodded and leaned on Meredith, letting her lead her to the house. Too tired to put up a fight. Meredith opened the door and was met with Amelia by the door.

"What happened now?" Amelia asked, knowing how much Andy Herrera got herself hurt.

"She may have made a stupid decision to go into an unstable house with no partner," Meredith told her sister-in-law.

Amelia looked at Andy. "Why am I not surprised?" Andy looked up at her and glared at Amelia. "Don't give me that look. You know you constantly get injured and have ended up here a few times within the last couple of years." Andy nodded and smiled sheepishly.

"Alright, alright. Enough, Ams." Meredith shook her head, amused. "I'm going to take Andy up to the guest room and get her settled and then I'll be back down." Amelia nodded and watched as they walked up the stairs, shaking her head. That woman really needs to be more careful.

Back upstairs Meredith left Andy alone in the guest room to get changed while she waited outside when her kids came running through the hall.

"Shhh!" Meredith stopped them. "Andy is here." The kids slowed down, nodded, and went downstairs. Zola didn't though. She stayed standing there. "Zola? Something wrong?" Meredith asked when her eldest didn't move.

"How come she gets injured so much?" Zola asked, "She's been here four times in three years with serious injuries."

Meredith sighed and was going to answer when the guest room door opened. "it's because I can be reckless." Andy answered.

"Don't you think you should stop though?" Zola asked and Meredith had to hold in her laughter. The sass.

Andy sighed. "I should. I know I should. Especially now that I'm a captain but it's hard to break old habits, Zo." Andy opened her arms, "Come give me a hug. It'll make me feel better." Andy smiled and held onto her tightly when Zola wrapped her arms around her.

"Too...Tight...Aunt...Andy" Zola tried to breathe out causing Meredith and Andy to chuckle. Andy pulled back.

"Zo, how about you go downstairs with the others and decide on some movies, and I'll be down soon?" Meredith asked her and watched Zola nod and run down. Meredith turned back to Andy and saw the grimace on her face as she held her forehead. "Alright, let's get some pain meds in you and to bed." Andy nodded, following her instructions. "I'll come and wake you up in a few hours to get you up for dinner, okay?"

Andy took the pills, got into bed and almost as soon as her head fell onto the pillow, she fell asleep.

Meredith watched her for a few minutes, just wanting to make sure she was okay. When she was satisfied, she closed the door and turned around, just to be met with a worried Amelia.

"You okay, Ams?"

"I am," Amelia nodded. "Is she though?"

Meredith nodded, she knew that Amelia, being the brain surgeon she is, would be worried about any lingering brain damage that there may be. "She's okay, Ams. It's nothing series. She came into the hospital awake, alert and mobile." Meredith assured her. "If she shows the slightest of symptoms or isn't able to keep down a meal later, we'll go back to the hospital for some scans."

Amelia nodded. "I'm just worried because since I've known her when she was married to Robert, she's had a few head injuries."

Meredith nodded, understanding the worry from Amelia. "I get it. I'm worried too. That's why I've told her she's taking a month off to heal. Her wrist mostly why, but it'll help if the head injury is more serious than I thought."

Amelia nodded. "Mags and I were planning on making chicken for dinner. Think Andy would be able to keep that down?"

Meredith shrugged. "I know she likes chicken, so maybe." Amelia nodded. "If she doesn't want a full meal, I can just give her some toast to start with and see if that gets her hungry." Meredith figured something small might be enough but was also worried because she knew Andy didn't have time to eat lunch.

Meredith and Amelia walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch as the kids jumped on too. Meredith had Zola and Ellis cuddle beside her while Bailey moved to sit in between Maggie and Amelia.

Meredith smiled, happy she was home, but worried about the woman upstairs.

So, my wrist has been killing me lately, so writing is taking longer because I can't type as fast and when I do write and pain hits, I get a headache and can't think. My apologies if stories come out slower. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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