Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Andy walked into her office, told Vic to sit down and then went behind her desk, grabbing it, trying to get her breathing under control. Vic just looked down at her hands, waiting for her captain to speak.

"Vic," Vic looks up, surprised at the use of her first name, "I have one question and I need you to answer honestly."

Vic looks surprised. "Okay? What is it?"

Andy looks at her, not knowing if her friend will yell at her for this. "I need to know if you can work with him."


"Vic? You can be honest with me." Andy told her.

"I'll admit it's hard seeing him. It's hard working with him during some calls too but I don't know if that means he should be transferred." Vic said.

"He and Jack don't get along. I don't get along with him. I know that the rest of the station will probably side with me, but right now I just need a yes or no from you, Vic." Andy said, looking Vic in the eyes.

Vic sighed. "I can't." Vic let out. "It's still very much an open wound and I know that I can't work like this. I mean, he fucking cheated on me, Andy."

"I know." Andy got up and walked around her desk to sit in the chair next to Vic. "Vic, I just want you to know that I'm here okay? As your friend and boss. If and when you need me." Andy squeezed her hand.

"I appreciate it, Andy. Thank you."

"Now get out and get back to work. I'll make some calls and work on getting him transferred."

Vic nods and gives Andy a small smile before walking out of the office.

Andy sighs, stands up, locks the office door and then moves to the bunk room when the alarm goes off. "Damnit," Andy mumbled under her breath.

Andy runs out of the office and to the engine truck with Vic, Maya and Travis. Maya was driving when she noticed that Andy looked off.

"Cap? You okay?" Maya asked but got no response. "Yo, Herrera?" Maya tries again.

"What? What's wrong?" Andy looks at Maya.

"Are you okay? You seem off." Maya explained.

"I'm fine. Just tired." Andy rubbed her hand over her eyes and yawned. "I'm just glad shift is almost over."

Maya looked at Andy for a couple of seconds and wanted to question her further but they got to the location of the fire. They saw a three-story house on fire, smoke turning back. The team jumps out of the trucks and Andy begins to give orders.

"Alright, I want three teams of two to go in the house for a primary search. I want you all to search one floor each, as fast as you can and get out. I don't like the look of the smoke." Andy tells them, watching them run in she goes over to a neighbour to ask how many are living in the home. Andy gets told that there's a family of four that lives in the house.

"Neighbour says it's a family of four living in the house. They said the family has two cars and since only one is gone there may be a couple of them in the house still." Andy fed the information to her team over the radio.

Andy got a response from each pairing in the house and they soon came out. Travis and Maya came out with, what looked like, the father and son. Sullivan and Vic came out next. Andy was waiting for Ruiz and Warren to come out. After a minute she saw Warren come out.

"Where's Ruiz?" Andy asked Ben.

"He was right behind me," Ben said, eyebrows furrowed.

Andy sighed and tried to radio Theo but she wasn't getting a response. She grabbed her SCBA tank and told the team she was going into the house to get him.

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