Chapter 10: Hagrid, Dance Lessons with Snape and the Yule Ball

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Sorry if this chapter is a little long. I hope my readers enjoy it.

As Christmas break continues to approach, there was fresh snow on the ground. In the castle, McGonagall gets her students attention after a lesson of Transfiguration. McGonagall said, "The Yule Ball is approaching. A traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament. An opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to 4th years and above. Although, you may invite a younger student if you wish. Dress robes will be worn and the ball will start at 8pm on Christmas day, finishing at midnight in the great hall." She looks at her students and continues, "Now then, the Yule ball is of course a chance for us to.... Let our hair down. But, that does not mean that we will be relaxing the standards of behavior we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way." The bell rang signaling the end of class. Everyone packed their things and left. Harry was nervous now. He'll need to find a partner for the ball. They all had to find a partner. Some students were going home for the holidays, but a lot were staying because of the Yule ball. All throughout the school, boys were asking girls to the ball. Ron said, "Got any ideas who you're going to try?" Harry said cautiously, "I was thinking about asking your sister to the ball." Harry added quickly, "I know you're protective of her. I mean, she's your baby sister, but I can't think of anyone else to ask." Ron waves his hand, as he said, "You saved my sister from the Chamber of Secrets in our 2nd year. I know you'll protect her, too. And if you two get together, better you than anyone else in this school. I trust you, Harry." Harry smiles, "Thanks, Ron. What about you?" Ron said nervously, "I'm thinking of asking Hermoine to the ball. I hope she says yes. I.... I think I fancy her." Harry said, "If I'm being honest, Ron, I think she fancies you, too." Harry pauses then grins, "What are we waiting for? Let's go ask them!" They make their way to the Gryffindor common room to find Hermoine and Ginny keeping warm at the fireplace. Ron goes red as he sits next to Hermoine and said, "Um, Hermoine?" Hermoine giggles as she said, " Yes, Ron?" Ron takes a moment before asking, "Will you go to the ball with me?" His face was so red that his ears have gone red, too. Hermoine grins, "I'd love to, Ron." Ron grins, "Excellent!" Harry looks at Ginny as Ginny blushes. Harry starts to go red as he said, "Ginny, will you go to the ball with me?" Ginny blushes, but grins, "Yes, of course, Harry." Harry smiles, blushing. They finally had a date to the ball. Now he needed to learn how to dance.

The following weeks weren't so bad, even with Malfoy quoting Rita Skeeyer every time Snape wasn't around. Snape had given Harry the rest of the badges he fixed that he had confiscated from the rest of the students, which made Harry happy. The trio decides to go and visit Hagrid one cold afternoon. Hagrid said to them as they sat in the hut, "She didn't seem very interested in magical creatures to tell you the truth. She just wanted me to talk about you. Well, I told her we'd been friends since your 1st year. She said, 'Never had to tell him off in 4 years? Never played you up in lessons, has he?' I told her no, and she didn't seem happy at all. You think she wanted me to say you were horrible, Harry." Harry said bitterly, "Course she did. She can't keep writing about what a tragic little hero I am, it'll get boring." Ron said, "She wants a new angle, Hagrid. You were supposed to say Harry's a mad delinquent." Hagrid said, "But he's not." Ron said to Hagrid, "You coming to this ball thing on Christmas Day, Hagrid?" Hagrid said, "Thought I might look in on it, yeah. Should be a good do, I reckon." Hagrid looks at Harry, "You'll be opening the dancing, won't ya, Harry? Who are you taking?" Harry goes red as Ron and Hermoine grins, "Yeah. I'm going with Ginny, Ron's sister." Hagrid grins, then lookd at Ron, "And you Ron?" It was Ron's and Hermoine's turn to go red, as Ron said, "Im going with Hermoine here." Hagrid grins at them as they resumed talking about the Yule ball until it was time to go back to the castle. The last week of term arrived before they knew it. Rumors about the Yule ball was spreading like wildfire throughout the castle. Some teachers, like Flitwick, gave up teaching the students. So, he let them play games in his class, while he talked to Harry about the perfect Summoning Charm. The very one Harry used during his 1st task. Other teachers like McGonagall and Moody kept them working the entire lesson. Snape had stared at then all, especially Malfoy, as he told them that he would be testing them on poison antidotes during the last lesson before term ended for the holidays. After dinner Harry heads up to Gryffindor Tower and works on his homework with Ron and Hermoine. As Harry finishes his homework, Snape's owl, Hades, taps at the window. Harry goes and opens the window, letting the owl in. Harry said, "Lookd like Dad's owl." The owl steps towards Harry with a folded piece of parchment in its beak. Harry takes the parchment and pets the owl. The owls flies back out the window. Harry shuts the window and sits down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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