Chapter 8: Sirius Black, Talk with Snape and The First Task

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One morning, Harry received an owl from Sirius Black. The barn owl was let in by Ron. Ron said, "You got an owl, Harry." Harry looks curious as he takes the letter. The owl immediately flies out the open window. Harry unrolls the letter and said, "It's from Sirius Black. Why is he writing to me?" Ron said, "He probably read the daily prophet today." Harry sighs and reads the letter. It read:
We need to talk face to face. Can you ensure that you are alone by the fireplace, in Gryffindor Tower, at 1am, on November 22nd? I know better than anyone that you can look after yourself.
Harry said, "You're half right, Sirius." He continues to read the letter:
Dumbledore told me what happened and I read the Daily Prophet this morning. While you're around Dumbledore and Moody, I don't think anyone will be able to hurt you. However, someone seems to be having a good try. Entering you in that tournament would have been very risky, especially right under Dumbledore's nose. Be on the watch, Harry, and keep me posted. I want to hear about anything unusual. Let me know around November 22nd, as quick as you can.
Harry puts the letter away as he said, "Ugh, I don't want to talk to him, especially at that hour." Ron said, "Might as well. Just to see what he wants." Harry sighs and said, "Ok. I'm sure he won't mind that you and Hermoine will be there with me. Assuming that Hermoine will be out of the hospital wing by then." Ron said, "Yeah hopefully." Over the next 2 weeks, the shock of finding himself a school champion had worn off some. The fear of what he would be facing was starting to sink in. The 1st task was getting closer. He never felt so nervous before. He nervousness was worse than before his final match with Slytherin last year for the Quidditch cup. Harry admitted that he didn't know how Black was going to make him feel any better. Eventually, Harry wrote back to Black saying that he'll be there at the 1am. Hermoine was eventually released from the hospital wing the next day. Harry, Ron and Hermoine spent a lot of time going over plans they made to make sure they were alone in the common room that night. If worst came to worst, they would drop a bag of dungbombs, but they hope that they would never have to resort to that. Filch would be livid. In the meantime, Rita Skeeter had published her piece about the Triwizard Tournament. The piece wasn't so much about the Tournament though. It was more about Harry's life. On the front page was a picture of Harry. Krum's and Fleur's name were misspelled and were crammed into the last of the article. Cedric Diggory wasn't even mentioned at all. There were a lot of things that Harry never said in the interview. Things like:
'I suppose I get my strength from my parents. I know they'd be very proud of me if they could see me now. Yes, sometimes, at night, I still cry about them. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I know nothing will hurt me during the the Tournament, because they're watching over me.'
Rita has gone even further than that:
Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts. His close friend Colin Creevey, says that Harry is rarely seen out of the company of one Hermoine Granger. A stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl, who like Harry, is one of the top students in the school.'
From the minute the article appeared in the newspaper, he had to endure the teasing from people, mainly the Slytherins. The Slytherins would quote it at him as he passed them. They would say things like: "Want a hanky, Snape, in case you start crying in Transfiguration?" Or things like: "Since when have you been one of the top students in the school, Snape? Or is this a school you and Longbottom have set up together?" Ron and Hermoine would help Harry get away from the Slytherins and would tell the Slytherins to shut up. A female voice said, "Hey Harry!" Harry said as he turned around, "Yeah, that's right. I've just been crying my eyes out over my dead mum, and I'm just off to do a bit more." The female voice was Cho Chang as she said, "No. It was just.... You just dropped your quill." Harry lowers his head slightly and said, "Oh, right. Sorry." Cho said, "It's ok. Good luck for Tuesday. I hope you do well." Harry mutters, "Thanks." As he takes his quill from her. Harry feels stupid for nearly taking it out on her as they go their separate ways. Hermoine got some of the teasing from the Slytherins, too, but she hasn't started yelling at people yet. Harry admired her for how she dealt with the situation. For example, the one time they walked passed the Slytherins, Pansy Parkinson said, "Stunningly pretty? Her? What was she judging against, a chipmunk?" Hermoine said, "Ignore it. Just ignore it, Harry." At least at the library they had some peace. Harry still didn't get the hang of the Summoning Charm. Hermoine thought, that maybe learning the theory would help. So, Ron and Hermoine took Harry to the library during lunchtime to read as much about Summoning Charms as they could, to help him. Krum was in the library a lot, too. Hermoine would complain a lot about Krum being in the library when she was, because groups of girls would show up to spy on him and giggle. Which annoyed Hermoine to no end. Hermoine said, "He's not even good looking! They only like him because he's famous! They wouldn't look twice at him if he couldn't do that Wonky Faint thing!" Ron said, "Wronski Feint, Hermoine." Hermoine said, "You know what I mean." It was finally Saturday, Hogsmeade Weekend. Students 3rd year and above were allowed to go. So, Harry, Ron and Hermoine went down to Hogsmeade together, ignoring all the Cedric Diggory signs. Ron said, "Let's go and have a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks." Harry and Hermoine agreed. They enter the Three Broomsticks and got a table to themselves. Harry paid for the butterbeers and the three of them started drinking and looking around. Harry, Ron and Hermione see Hagrid and Moody at another table. They wave at Hagrid, who waves in return. Hagrid and Moody walk over to them. Hagrid said, "All right you three?" Harry said, "I'm all right." Hermoine said, "Never better." Ron said, "I'm good, Hagrid." Hagrid smiles at them as Moody said, "Glad you all are doing well. Don't forget, Constant Vigilance." Harry, Ron and Hermoine agree with him.
Hagrid bends down and whispers to them, "Harry, meet me tonight at midnight at me hut. Bring that cloak of yours, ok." Harry whispers back, "Ok, Hagrid." Hagrid stand back up at his fullest height and said smiling, "Nice to see you three." Harry, Ron and Hermoine said in unison, "Good to see you, too, Hagrid." As Hagrid left with Moody, Harry said, "I wonder why Hagrid wants me to meet him at midnight?" Hermione said, "I don't know whether you should go, Harry. It might make you late for Sirius." Hermoine had a point. Meeting Hagrid at midnight meant he would be cutting it close, since Sirius wanted to talk to him at 1am. Hermoine suggested that Harry send a letter to Hagrid, via Hedwig, telling him that he couldn't go. Harry thought that it was best that he go and see what Hagrid wanted real quick. Harry was really curious about why Hagrid wanted to see him so late.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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