Chapter 7: The 4 Champions, Rita Skeeter and Wand Weighing

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Here's the chapter you've all been waiting for. <3 I hope Snape's reaction satisfies you all. <3 I did the best I could on this chapter. I don't know when the next chapter will be conplete, but I'll get it done as soon as I can. <3 So, please be very patient with me. <3 Thank you and enjoy! <3

The next day was Saturday, as Harry, Ron and Hermoine go down to the great hall to eat breakfast. As they reach the entrance hall, they see students eating toast and checking out the Goblet of Fire. The goblet was placed in the middle of the entrance hall on a stool. A thin golden line was traced around it, about 10 feet away. Ron asks a 3rd year girl, "Anyone put their names in yet?" The girl said, "All the Durmstrang lot, but I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet." Harry said, "Bet some of them put their names in last night after we'd all gone to bed." They heard laughing, which made them turn around. It was Fred and George. They were hurrying up to the Age Line. Fred said, "Done it. Just taken it." Ron said, "What?" Fred said, "The Ageing Potion, dungbrain." George said, "One drop each. We only need to be a few months older." Fred said, "We're going to split the 1,000 Galleons prize money between the both of us, if one of us wins." Hermoine said, "I'm not sure this is going to work, you know. I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this." Fred rolls his eyes, looks at his twin brother, and said, "Ready? Come on, I'll go first." Harry watches as they each take out a slip of parchment paper out of their pockets. Fred went first as he steps over the Age Line. George steps over the Age Line soon after. For a minute, Harry thought it worked for them as the twins grin at each other. But the next moment, there was a sizzling sound, then both twins were thrown out of the golden circle. They both landed painfully on the stone floor. To add insult to injury, they both had sprouted identical white beards that was almost as long as Dumbledore's. Everyone in the entrance hall laughed, even Fred and George, when they looked at each other. A familiar deep voice that sounded amusing, said, "I did warn you." It was Dumbledore. He had come out of the great hall and had spotted the twins with the long beards. Dumbledore said, "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss. Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff. Both of whom decided to Age themselves up a little, too. Though I must say, neither of their beards are as fine as yours." Harry, Ron and Hermione, who were also laughing, entered the great hall to have breakfast. Since it was Halloween, the great hall had live bats flying up near the ceilings and jack-o-lanterns were lit and floating just below the bats. Harry walks over to the Gryffindor table where Dean and Seanus were sitting. As they sit down with them, Dean said, "There's a rumor going around that Warrington gor up early and put his name in." Ron said. "That big bloke from Slytherin that looks like a sloth?" Dean's nods his head in reply. Ron said, "We can't have a Slytherin champion!" Seamus said, "And all the Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory. I wouldn't have thought he'd want to risk his good looks." Harry shakes his head as Hermoine said, "Listen." They could hear cheering coming from the entrance hall. They turn in their seats to see Angelina entering the great hall grinning. Angelina said, "Well, I've done it. I just put my name in." Ron said, "You're kidding! Are you 17 then?" Harry said, "Of course she is. Can't see a beard can you?" Angelina said, "I had my birthday last week." Hermoine said, "Well, I'm glad someone from Gryffindor is entering. I really hope you get it, Angelina." Angelina said, "Thanks, Hermoine." Seanus said, "Yeah, better you than Pretty-Boy Diggory." Several Hufflepuffs that were walking past, heard that and glared at him. Once they all finished eating. Ron said, "What're we going to do today, then?" They leave the great hall as Harry said, "We haven't visited Hagrid yet." Ron said, "Ok. As long as he doesn't ask us to donate a few fingers to the Skrewts." Hermione said, "I just realized something. I haven't asked Hagrid to join S.P.E.W. yet! Wait for me, will you, while I nip upstairs and get the badges!" Ron and Harry shake their heads as they waited. Harry said, "Hey Ron, look." Ron looks to see what Harry was looking at. They watch as the students of Beauxbatons enter through the front door, with Madame Maxime entering behind them. The students move aside as the students of Beauxbatons and Madame Maxime walk up to the Age Line. One by one, each student walk over the Age Line and put their slip of parchment into the Goblet of Fire, while Madame Maxime waited for them. The fire turned red and let off some sparks each time the slip of paper touched the fire. Ron said, as the silvery-haired girl drops her slip of paper into the goblet, "What do you reckon will happen to the ones that aren't chosen? Reckon they'll go back to school, or hang around to watch the tournament?" Harry said, "Don't know. Hang around, I suppose. I mean, Madame Maxine is staying to judge, isn't she?" After all of the Beauxbatons students put their names into the Goblet of Fire, they follow Madame Maxime out of the castle. Ron said, "Where are they sleeping, then?" A loud rattling sound from behind them, told them that Hermoine returned. Ron said, "Oh good, hurry up." They hurry out of the castle and find Madame Maxime and her students half way across the grounds. As they got close to Hagrid's hut, the mystery of where they slept, was solved. The powder-blue carriage that was the size of a house, was parked 200 yards from Hagrid's front door. The students were climbing back into the carriage. The palomino horses were grazing in their make-shift paddock, next to the carriage. Harry knocks on Hagrid's door and hears fang barking. Hagrid opens the door and said, "About time! I thought you lot'd forgotten where I live!" Hermione said, "We've been really busy...."

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